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HomeLatest NewsRTVE postpones the opposition to the informant planned for today for “reasons...

RTVE postpones the opposition to the informant planned for today for “reasons of force majeure”

RTVE has decided postpone objections to the permanent staff of the public entity in the category of informant scheduled this Sunday for “reasons of force majeure” and will communicate “in the coming days” the new examination appointment to the 5,028 registered for this exam.

In a statement, RTVE apologized for the postponement which, according to the USO union, was due to a leak in information exam questions and Content, which led all the unions to suspend the opposition process.

The USO ensures that the decision to postpone the exam “It is necessary to guarantee transparency and equal opportunities in a process which already presents many problems.

“We deeply regret the inconvenience this causes to applicants, who have suffered unnecessary stress as a result of managing this process. We share their frustration and We remain committed to defending your rights” adds the union press release.

The union entity shows its support for the RTVE decision file a complaint with the police to “clarify the facts and demand accountability”.

“We will continue to work so that this situation will not happen again and ensure a fair process for all,” the USO statement concluded.

RTVE has not yet explained the reasons for this suspension of the exam which was going to be held at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

“For reasons of force majeure, the Information and content review scheduled for today, with the new test invitations announced in the coming days. Sorry for the inconvenience,” read the brief statement from the state-owned company.

For the RTVE oppositions planned today had recorded 21,030 people in order to access one of the 1,500 places offered.

The category where the most candidates registered is that of Information and content, which was postponed, followed by implementation assistance, with 1,953 registered.

Then the categories Graphic information and image and sound capture (1,746), production assistant (1,630); Editing, assembly and audiovisual processes (1,513) and sound (1,128).


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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