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Four pimps face 29 years in prison in Cordoba for mistreating two foreigners in a club

“If you don’t make money tonight, I’ll kill you and bury you in my parents’ cottage and no one will know about you, bitch,…, shit“. Under threat, beaten with golf clubs, with steel bars in addition to having punched two young foreigners present in a club iron controlfour accused of human trafficking and prostitution offenses face sentences totaling more than 29 years in prison at a trial to be held soon in Provincial Court of Córdoba.

THE Cordoba parquet demanded sentences of up to 15 years in prison against the doorman of a hostess club for having forced into prostitution two young foreign girls who arrived in Spain with few resources – he deceived the first of the victims by claiming that he was in love with her-while three other individuals, including the doorman’s companion, also risk sentences of between seven and a half and three and a half years in prison each.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office includes in its qualification document, to which ABC had access, the shocking story that these two young migrants – now protected witnesses – lived without resources and who, after arriving in Spain while practicing prostitution, met the accused – a doorman of the club -, who had previously contacted her by telephone and with the aim of capturing her for sexually exploit herhe insisted, pretending to have fallen in love with her, to go see her, the aforementioned witness agreeing to do so and starting a romantic relationship with him.

As this young woman lived in another city and he wanted to have her close to him to exercise greater control over her, he offered to come to where he worked. goalkeeper to which she accepted the said proposal and joined the aforementioned club.

“From that moment on, the defendants began to exercise strict control over it, over the number of passes made, over the economic benefits obtained by each of them, etc. be obliged to return all the money obtained by the sexual services carried out as well as asking her permission for any aspect of her daily life, the accused exercising iron control over the relationships she had with other people, all under the threat of assault. , specifies the indictment.

Three months after the start of the relationship with the accused, the first episodes of violence by the accused against her person appeared, and one day she was hit by the accused with a golf club because she was talking to a boy, and he blamed her for not talking to any boys while she was working for him.

After this episode, the accused began to establish guidelines regarding the schedules and communications that he had to follow in his relations at the club, having to send him a message via the whatsapp app every time I was going to start a relationship with a client and another message at the end; being picked up daily by him when she left the club, who, once inside the car, demanded all the profits from her, left her no money and insulted and hit her while the financial profit for the sexual services provided was at the same time rare once, who shouted at him that it was his fault that he had not earned any money.

In this sense, after this first defendant received information according to which she was having sexual relations with the manager and owner of the establishment where she practiced prostitution, he began to beat her and hit her with a screwdriver and with a steel rod.

In the case of the second girl (victim of the crimes of human trafficking and prostitution), she went to Spain to engage in prostitution as a means of subsistence due to her precarious economic situation. At the club he met the second accused in this case, with whom he struck up a friendship. After some time and after this accused started a romantic relationship with the first accused, they both left, live at the rental address that this accused had invited and welcomed the young woman who had just arrived in Spain with the aim of sexually exploiting her and profiting from her practice of prostitution.

During this period, the first defendant was responsible for taking her to and picking her up from the club where she was practicing prostitution, where her partner (the defendant) had begun prostitution. exhaustive control on the activity that the young girl carried out and on the money she obtained by practicing prostitution, money which the young woman then gave to the accused (the doorman of the club), and the young woman had to keep inside the money she had received from practicing prostitution. an envelope that he gave to club officials so that they could keep it office safe and she could thus use this money, avoiding it being taken away by these two accused, whom she sometimes deceived by telling them that she had gained nothing.

The accused club doorman realized that the young woman was lying to him, so at the end of a day’s work and once at home he told her that it was not right to lie to her, addressing her violently while accusing her of not being in control. the situation. the money I earned. Now, once the day was over and before leaving the club, the goalkeeper’s partner would ask for all the money he had gotten that day to give to his partner later.

One day, the accused pointed out to his partner (the club doorman) via WhatsApp that the young woman no longer wanted to work as a prostitute in the club and therefore was not paying attention to the instructions she was giving him. he. As a result, once the day was over, the guard hit the young woman with a wooden stick and began to advice all kinds of success in the back as well as punches in the side and kicks in the spine, while the young woman begged her at all times to stop, without her ever going to the doctor, so we don’t know not if she suffered injuries. After this episode of violence, physical attacks were repeated periodically.

The people responsible for taking and bringing the accused girls

Meanwhile, the other two accused – there are four in total – sit in the dock because, by mutual agreement with the first two and knowing the aim pursued by the prosecution, accused couplewere also responsible for moving and picking up this young foreigner from her home so that she could work as a prostitute in the club, thus controlling her movements.

The prosecutor demands the club guard accused of two crimes of human trafficking in competition with two prostitution offenses to a total of 15 years in prison, while her partner faces a crime of human trafficking in competition with prostitution (for the second girl captured and forced into prostitution) to seven and a half years in prison.

For its part, the Prosecutor’s Office is asking for three and a half years in prison for each of the two accused of prostitution offenses for having also moved and recovered this woman. young foreigner from her home so that she could prostitute herself in the club, thus controlling her movements. Added to these sanctions is the request for a ban on approaching or communicating with the victims for several years as well as the probation for ten years after serving his prison sentence.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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