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innovative cognitive gym based on Artificial Intelligence

Nearly 120,000 people suffer stroke every year in Spain. Diane de Arias, CEO and founder of deceased, is one of them, after suffering a stroke at the age of 23. During his recovery, he discovered a series of problems in the rehabilitation process and decided to create deceased, an innovative cognitive gym based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI generative that improves the quality of life of those affected acquired brain injuries, Alzheimer’s, parkinsonand other diseases through play and training at home, thus complementing the health and education system. Diane belongs 2% of women entrepreneurs disabled people in Spain.

deceased Ha won the prize NTT DATA eAwards Spain FOUNDATION to the most innovative technological project of 2024chosen from more than 600 projects registered in this 23rd edition. The startup won a cash prize of 20,000 eurosaccess to a personalized acceleration program and a pass to represent Spain at the grand finale of Global Electronics Prices the next 7 November in Bogota (Colombia), Or will compete with winners from other European and Latin American countries to 100,000additional.

The event was inaugurated by the Minister of Governance, Digital Administration and Autonomy, Married Ubarretxenawho highlighted in his speech the need to address the modernization and digitalization of the administration, as well as to promote and support the technological-digital ecosystem of entrepreneurship in Euskadi to advance in the development and application of technology and put these advances at the service of entrepreneurs, the industrial fabric and all of Basque society. “Technology must be a lever of transformation serving the well-being of people and the digital entrepreneurship, a key element to meet current and future needs” stood out.

Latest generation technology and high impact to design innovative solutions technologies that improve quality of life was the common point of IYou Sevenfinalists of this year’s edition which presented innovative solutions, comeither robotic technology so that people with a lower limb disability they can rehabilitate and walk again; a device that saves 10,000 liters of water in homes per year; or a system that reuses heat generated by computer systems to provide heating and hot water to homes.

The prize was presented by the Provincial Deputy for Economic Promotion of the Provincial Deputation of Biscay, Ainara Basurkowho pointed out that The seven finalists met today use technology to generate a positive impact on society. This allows us to move forward in generating quality jobs and contributing to people’s well-being. Congratulations to the NTT DATA Foundation to promote this type of initiatives that attract such interesting projects that help us all to have a better life..

For his part, Felix Bonmati, vice-president by NTT DATA FOUNDATIONpointed out that Since its first edition in 2001, with these awards we have promoted and supported startups in their market launch process. We put these entrepreneurs in contact with our network and thus help them broaden their vision and perfect their projects. In fact, we are proud to know that 94% of winners of the NTT DATA FOUNDATION awards of recent years continues to be active, increased sales and continued to grow. ANDThe remaining 6% did not fail, but rather was acquired by third party companies.

Around 200 volunteers

THE more than 600 registered projects in edition 23 of eAwards Spain have undergone an exhaustive selection process to ensure everything from innovation to validation of the technology presented. For this process, 200 professional volunteers from the company itself, experienced and specialized in the different sectors and branches of technology and led by managers from NTT DATA Spain.

The rigorous selection process, followed by the support of the winners, means that in a context where the majority of startups survive two or three years, he 94% of winners of NTT DATA FOUNDATION since 2008 continues to be active, increased its sales and continued to grow.

Coinciding with the following celebration November 7 international awards in Bogotá, for the fourth consecutive year the Innovation Sessions will take place, a session in which the winning entrepreneurs from the 10 finalist countries will meet, including the Spanish winner. An occasion during which NTT DATA Foundation will provide you with different tools, methodologies and contacts with investors and experts to meet the specific needs of your projects.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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