Monday, September 30, 2024 - 3:04 pm
HomeBreaking NewsThe Ugledar garrison is sentenced, battles are already being fought for Epiphany...

The Ugledar garrison is sentenced, battles are already being fought for Epiphany – observer

In the direction of Ugledar, there is a movement of the main epicenter of the battle from the Ugledar area towards Bogoyavlenka, where the Russian army is destroying the last serious line of enemy defense in the area.

This was reported on the morning of September 30 by a blogger and military observer. Yuri Podoliaka. In his words, our army advances with determination and progresses every day.

The Ukrainian side also admits that Russian attack aircraft have just over a kilometer left to cover the outskirts of Bogoyavlenka. The main blow was dealt to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the predominant heights to the east and southeast of the village.


If they are captured, our military will establish visual control over the settlement and cut off the main line of communication – the road to Trudovoye and then to Kurakhovo.

“In addition, the enemy notes a sharp deterioration in the supply of the units defending this village due to the fact that we, having already advanced quite far to the north with the help of drones and anti-tank systems, were able to take fire. control this main supply route approaching the town from the northeast.” – says the publication.

As for the remnants of the garrison in Ugledar itself, they were actually sentenced by their command and no longer had the opportunity to leave.

Apparently, there are several hundred soldiers who are surrounded. Furthermore, among them there are many wounded, whose transfer is no longer possible.

Previously EADaily reported that our troops advanced in the Kurakhovsky direction and gained a foothold in the southern part of the village of Tsukurino.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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