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HomeLatest NewsFor the ninth time, Almeida hires DJ Pulpo, Cope's announcer who plays...

For the ninth time, Almeida hires DJ Pulpo, Cope’s announcer who plays at PP events, for block parties.

Madrid City Hall continues to rely on the DJ that the PP usually hires for its celebrations in Genoa. The Government of Almeida has announced DJ Pulpo in its programming for the Pilar 2024 Fiestas, which will take place in two weeks, from October 9 to 13.

This will be the ninth time that this radio host has been part of a neighborhood party poster since the arrival of the current mayor in Cibeles. The show will take place on Thursday, October 10, from 8:00 p.m., after a circus parade and before the proclamation, given this year by Carlos Sobera.

On this occasion, the presence of Carlos Moreno (aka DJ Pulpo) was highlighted by the company awarded the contract, Trato Producciones Artísticas, since the Town Hall has not planned any DJ performance for the first day of festivities in the neighborhood of Pilar. The specifications of the competition, to which this newspaper had access, only required the aforementioned parade, the proclamation and an exceptional performance, which will be provided that day by Celtas Cortos.

The amount of public money that the Pulpo will receive for this performance is unknown, since the municipal contract does not detail the amounts paid for each concert. The call for tenders for the organization of all the festivities was awarded at the end of June for an amount of 298,694.42 euros (VAT included).

DJ Pulpo works as an announcer for Cope. He is the host of a late night show called trace the streetswho has been present on the radio network of the Episcopal Conference for nine years.

His presence is also common on election nights in Genoa, where he acts as musical master of ceremonies for PP supporters who come to celebrate electoral victories. It is also common to see it during electoral campaigns during the festive events of the Popular Party, when music takes a prominent place.

Asked about the predilection of DJ Pulpo and other artists close to the PP with several public contracts during recent evenings, the City Hall denied this summer in its responses to Somos Madrid any type of predilection concerning one group or another. Concerning the criteria for hiring artists, they explained that it is the companies which organize the different evenings which propose a series of singers. They indicate that “the councils choose based on cachet and availability” and ensure that they think about what Madrid residents might like the most, opting for groups that are “attractive to the public”.

In the case of the Pilar Festival programming, the responsible departmental council is that of Fuencarral-El Pardo, led by councilor José Antonio Martínez Páramo. The PP councilor had already chosen DJ Pulpo last year for the same celebrations, just like his predecessor in power, Javier Ramírez, in 2022. Carlos Moreno already performed in 2024 during the last Tetuán Festivals, organized in early July , and was scheduled for the Chamberí Festival, which he ultimately was unable to attend due to a last-minute unforeseen event.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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