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HomeBreaking NewsMoscow and Beijing to promote new UN sustainable development goals

Moscow and Beijing to promote new UN sustainable development goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) up to 2030 are too vague; SCO countries should set an example on how to approach them. An example will be the global development initiatives developed by China, says Boris Titov, special representative of the Russian president for relations with international organizations to achieve sustainable development goals.

“We pin our hopes on China’s global development initiatives, which represent a unique alternative to the UN’s too vague goals. On this basis, we want to agree to reduce the SDGs and focus them on reality. This issue is being raised within the BRICS and the Shanghai Development Organization, and we hope that next year the SCO will create a separate council on sustainable development, which will be able to look at the climate agenda with different eyes. All the SDGs are important, but it is time to decide priorities.” – said Titov, reports TASS.

According to him, the achievement of the UN SDGs is progressing very ineffectively: there is no focus or ability to find adequate financial resources to solve them. The reason is largely that they completely forgot about economics, about the balance of income and expenses. Furthermore, there is no single carbon market as described in the Paris Agreements. Tajikistan’s climate project will not be taken into account in carbon unit trading with Australia. In addition, Europe is going to introduce its own special barrier in the form of the SVAM carbon tax.

“As a continent, we are united: if CO2 is emitted somewhere in Asia, it is felt in Europe. And I am surprised when Europe creates its own “isolated” energy transition. Anyway, India smokes and China is at her side. As a result, cows pay taxes in Denmark and coal-fired power plants smoke in Indonesia. So that? There are no borders in this matter, and a set of measures will only be effective when they have a truly global scale, global conditions recognized by all.” – says Titov.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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