Monday, September 30, 2024 - 9:51 pm
HomeBreaking News“One of the best statesmen in our history”

“One of the best statesmen in our history”

The President of the United States (USA), the Democrat Joe Bidenpaid tribute to former President JImmy Carterwho will celebrate his 100th birthday this Tuesday, whom he described as “one of the most influential statesmen in our history”.

The former American Democratic President (1977-1981) will celebrate his 100th birthday this Tuesday in palliative care, but reconverted into “moral force” for his efforts in favor of a “better world”, in the words of President Joe Biden, who paid tribute to him. in a video to his fellow Democrat and “friend”.

“Mr. President, on behalf of the entire Biden family and the American people, happy 100th birthday!” declared the current American president.

He said of him that “has always been a moral force for our nation and for the world. I met him when he was a young senator. This is why I supported him so early. “He is a voice of courage, conviction, compassion and, above all, a dear friend to Jill (Biden), me and our family.”

“Your hopeful vision for our country, your commitment to a better world, and your unwavering belief in the power of human goodness continue to be a beacon for us all,” the president continued. Biden calls him “one of the most influential statesmen in our history.”

“Even after leaving office,” he stressed, “the moral clarity that you demonstrated throughout your career was still manifested in your commitment through the Carter Center,” a foundation dedicated to “conflict resolution, democracy promotion, disease prevention and much more”. center) transforms the lives of people not only at home but around the world. »

“We know this is the first anniversary without Rosalynn,” Biden recalled his wife who died last November. “It’s bittersweet, but we also know that she’s still with you. She is in your heart, she will never leave. He may be gone, but he will always be with you. It will always be there, and I know you know it,” he concluded, in statements collected by Efe.

Indeed, the Carter Center today remembers the former president with one of the sentences from the speech he gave when receiving the Nobel Peace Prize: “We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes, and we must,” he said then.

The Carter Center is also paying tribute to the nearly century-old former president with a collage in which citizens can send their photos to compose a large mosaic with snapshots of the former president and has organized a concert in his honor.




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