Monday, September 30, 2024 - 7:53 pm
HomeBreaking NewsThe PP asks Sánchez for a response to Maduro who called Feijóo...

The PP asks Sánchez for a response to Maduro who called Feijóo a “drug trafficker” and Ayuso a “colonialist fascist”

The Deputy Secretary of Culture and Open Society of the PP, Borja Semperasked the government this Monday to Pedro Sanchez a response after the declarations of the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro about the popular leader Albert Nuñez Feijoo and the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusowhom he described respectively as a “thief linked to drug trafficking” and a “phalangist and colonialist fascist”.

Sémper is “very surprised” that the Executive recalled the Spanish ambassador to Buenos Aires because the president of Argentina, Javier Milei“insulted” Begola Gómez, which “is not an institutional position”. “One would think that, in fair correspondence, he would now declare war on VenezuelaI say it ironically, because Maduro insulted a high state authority and the leader of the opposition.

Sémper is referring to Maduro’s comments this weekend, when he attacked the PP and Edmundo Gonzalez for the demonstration organized on Saturday in Gate of the Sun from Madrid. “The event was organized by the PP, the Francoist party of Spain. There was a Falangist named Isabel Ayuso, a bit like the mayor of Madrid. Colonialist fascist, one of the worst in Spain. There was this Feijóo, a thief linked to drug trafficking in Galicia” he said.

Ayuso “is the representative of the State in the Community of Madrid, and the government should do something, we are not asking that the ambassador step down, we are asking that foreign policy does not depend on the state of mind or Sánchez’s personal preferences, ask us for a clear foreign policy that defends Spain’s interests.”

Then he said that the PP welcomed Maduro’s insults, because what would really be “worrying“It would be to receive his “applause”. “His insults matter very little to us, in fact, we feel honored that he insults us, we would be more worried if he flattered us or considered us as partners,” a- he added.

“Complicit silence”

Sémper was also joined by other PP leaders, such as the party’s general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, who denounced the “a complicit silence” of the Government.

“Dictator Maduro insults and slanders us in the face of the complicit silence of Sánchez and his ministers. So courageous with dead dictators and so submissive with the living,” Gamarra wrote on his X account.

Likewise, the spokesperson for the PP in Congress, Miguel Telladoasked: “Does anyone know what time Pedro Sánchez condemns Maduro’s insults and attacks against Feijóo and Ayuso? Just to know…”, he published on the same social network.




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