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HomeLatest NewsREDIT celebrates its annual conference bringing together Valencian companies that collaborate with...

REDIT celebrates its annual conference bringing together Valencian companies that collaborate with technological institutes to develop their R&D

The Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, will inaugurate the fourth edition of the REDIT Summitan event organized by the Network of Institutes of the Valencian Community and organized for the first time in Alicante. The congress, which will take place on October 3, will focus on innovation for the industry.

Once again, REDIT will bring together national and international experts and businessmen, to make visible the challenges and strategies linked to new economic models of the industry and how to continue to boost production through the implementation of key technologies in areas such as digitalization, energy transition and sustainability.

The congress is financed by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (IVACE+I) and speakers from technology multinationals will participate, such as Sergio González, senior AI specialist and member of Microsoft’s Global Black Belt, Bernardino Romera, research scientist at Google DeepMind¸ Mayte Bacete, general manager of MaxLinear Hispania, Pilar González , responsible for partners and alliances. to ESRI Spain or Eva Toledo, co-CEO of Padima and president of the Circle of Directors of Alicante, an association that collaborated in the broadcast of the event.

The speakers will address various aspects related to artificial intelligence as the keys to designing an innovation strategy based on it, how it transforms the way of producing, providing services and even business models and how it was able to create non-pre-existing content by solving a pending mathematical problem of solution.

The other central part of the congress will consist of the presentation, by the CEOs and senior managers of 11 reference companies in the sectors in which the technology centers operate, who will present their success stories in R&D&i carried out in collaboration with the Network and with funding from IVACE+I.

In these two blocks, the innovations developed in our region will be explained which concern deployable space antennas, personalized tourist experiences, food packaging waste applied in the automotive sector, and the culture of muscle cells and bovine fat in the laboratory. , textile waste transformed into new materials, more environmentally friendly artificial grass, new digital methodologies for shoe modeling, highly frost-resistant tiles, recovery of metals from electric vehicle batteries, three-layer mono-material packaging for applications cosmetics and tool to fight against bank fraud and identity theft.

The day will be closed by the Director General of Innovation, Juan José Cortes and by the Autonomous Secretary of Industry, Commerce and Consumption, Felipe Carrasco.

Previous editions took place in Valencia, twice, and in Madrid, and addressed topics as important as challenges in areas such as food, the future of the planet, human-machine dialogue, digitalization and innovation tailored to the individual.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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