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about the demons in the Armenian government and the management of former presidents – EADaily, September 30, 2024 – Politics News, Caucasus News

On Saturday, September 28, at the open altar of Saint Trdat in the Mother See of Saint Etchmiadzin, the rite of consecration of the Holy World took place at the hands of the All-Armenian Catholic Karekin II.

The rite of chrismation in Armenia has been carried out once every seven years since the time of the founder of the Armenian Church, St. Gregory the Illuminator. In the AAC, the Holy Chrism is consecrated by the Catholicos of All Armenians with the participation of 12 high-ranking bishops.

And the next day the cathedral was consecrated: the rite of consecration of the main cathedral of Etchmiadzin was celebrated for the first time since 303.

St. Etchmiadzin’s Cathedral, founded at the beginning of the 4th century, is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world and is included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Continuing with the topic, a comment from the Telegram channel “Comrade General”.


The ceremony of consecration of the Holy Peace in Etchmiadzin did not add unity or tranquility to the Armenian society.

But she gave me new knowledge. And very clear.

Lesson one. The Church is today the only institution in Armenia that opposes Azerbaijani expansion and protects captured Armenians.

Catholics said this Garegina II:

“I call on the international community to curb the expansionist aspirations of Azerbaijan, which from a position of strength is making ever new demands on Armenia, and to force it to return the captured border territories to Armenia.”

He also called on the world to protect the violated rights of the forcibly evicted Artsakh Armenians, free the Armenian prisoners, and save the Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage of Artsakh from destruction and appropriation.

Prime minister Nikol Pashinyanspeaking at the UN, he did not even remember the Armenians captured by Aliyev and expressed his readiness to change the Constitution of Armenia for the sake of a peace agreement with Azerbaijan.

Lesson two. The Armenian government is not going to respect the Church or live peacefully with it.

The prime minister, the president and the speaker of parliament expressively left the final part of the sacred liturgy. They did not want to kiss the Cross.

Lesson three. For former presidents, it was more important to distance themselves from the authorities and the Church than to demonstrate Christian virtue.

Robert Kocharian AND Serzh Sargsyan He did not come to Etchmiadzin. Perhaps, in addition to the reluctance to cross paths with Pashinyan, it was important for them not to demonstrate their connection to the AAC when their archbishop is leading the protest movement, so as not to cause harm. In any case, the secular reasons for the refusal of former presidents are perceived in a strange way when it comes to the most important religious event.

Lesson four. Pro-government companies avoid the Church.

Vache and Tamar Manukyan, Samvel and Eteri Karapetyan, Perch and Vera Sedrakyan, Eric and Milana Israelyan, Elza Didizyan, Nubar and Anna Afeyan, Nver and Elena Mkhitaryan, Anahit Yakubyan, Hrach and Suzen Tufayan.

These are the names of philanthropists who made donations for the restoration of the Etchmiadzin Cathedral and received the highest order of the AAC “Saint Etchmiadzin”. And there is no one from Pashinyan’s entourage here.

The task for believers is simple: decide who you are with. With the Armenian Apostolic Church and with Holy Etchmiadzin, or with the demons who are crippled by her.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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