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HomeLatest NewsKiko Jiménez specifies in 'Fiesta' if Sofía Suescun is pregnant

Kiko Jiménez specifies in ‘Fiesta’ if Sofía Suescun is pregnant

Just a few days ago, all the alarms went off. And all this because María Patiño, since It’s not like we’re shushingdropped a real bombshell. It all started when, during the broadcast of the last hour of the show last Thursday September 26, The presenter wanted to challenge the faster: If there were 20,000 viewers during the YouTube live stream, he would share explosive news with everyone, even though he insisted he didn’t have time to compare them.. In this way, after successfully meeting the challenge she gave to the public, María Patiño began to spread the news. He took the gamble and dropped a real bombshell: Sofía Suescun is pregnant. Something that, as expected, left many people completely speechless across the country. For the same reason, last weekend, the companions of Party It didn’t take long for them to ask Kiko Jiménez if it was true.

After remaining silent all these days, the former candidate of Survivors 2024 decided to speak, and to do it exclusively for the program Party presented by Emma García. Drawing on the humor that characterizes him so much, Tertullian began by saying this: “Do you see in me the face of a father? Did I suddenly look like a father?. Far from everything being there, the Andalusian wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to go much further: “I have to say that it is wrong.”he clarified. As if that wasn’t enough, Kiko Jiménez added something else: “I don’t know where the news came from. Suddenly, the news breaks without contrast, because it’s suddenly fashionable now to say “exclusive” without contrast. It’s very simple, you can call Sofía or you can call me, I pick up the phone and I kindly tell you “hey, it’s wrong” and it doesn’t happen, the problem is solved… but that should be more interesting to give fake news.

Kiko Jiménez specifies in Fiesta if he is going to be the father of Sofía Suescun. (Multimedia set)

Furthermore, the collaborator of Party He takes the opportunity to open up even more on this subject: “This is news that would be nice if it were real, but of course…” Emma García, for her part, wanted to ask her partner if he and Sofía Suescun were considering becoming parents. He admitted that, for the moment, it is not something that is part of his plans but that he is considering it for the future.

Alejandro Albala, also collaborator of Party and former partner of Sofía Suescun, gave information closely related to Maite Galdeano. And he confirmed that the mother of the finalist of Survivors All Stars I would have considered this information from María Patiño as real It’s not like we’re shushing. Thus, according to Alejandro Albala, his reaction was as follows: “I was right!” Now the marriage, now the child, now the je ne sais quoi.

Kiko Jiménez and Sofía Suescun, happier than ever

Their lives changed dramatically upon their return from Honduras, after participating in Survivors 2024 And Survivors All Stars respectively. And all because the woman from Pamplona wanted to put things right with her mother Maite Galdeano, breaking all types of ties and relationships.. In this way, the young woman chose to prioritize her mental health above all else.

Since reaching this very important milestone in her life, Sofía Suescun and Kiko Jiménez are enjoying life like never before. Not only did they travel, but they experienced moments together and with friends that they will never forget. In addition, they continue to demonstrate on social networks this union, this connection and this complicity which characterizes them so much as a couple. They are really happy!

Kiko Jiménez and Sofia Suescun. (Instagram)


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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