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The PSOE and Más Madrid accuse Ayuso after learning of the calls to 112 during COVID: “It’s intolerable”

The opposition in the Madrid Assembly has once again questioned the actions of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s Community of Madrid in nursing homes at the height of the 2020 COVID epidemic, after revealed transcripts of calls to 112 from relatives of detainees. and professionals in which they expressed their frustration and helplessness in the face of the order not to transfer the sick to hospitals. “It’s intolerable,” said PSOE spokesperson Juan Lobato. For Manuela Bergerot, from Más Madrid, it is “the umpteenth demonstration of the existence of protocols of shame”.

“Someone calls for help like that, in such an extreme situation, and what they receive from the Government of the Community of Madrid is a slamming of the door,” Lobato criticized. “A government must have the sensitivity to listen and care for the people on the ropes. I hope that [esto] Help generate a minimum of shame and sensitivity towards the government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, whom I accuse of having slammed the door,” he added.

Bergerot demanded that Ayuso assume his “responsibility” and adopt “reparation measures for the victims and their loved ones”, while stopping “preventing” the regional parliament from being able to “investigate what happened”. He also recalled that “today, 50,000 people live in public retirement homes according to the model that gave rise to these protocols of shame”, and that Ayuso “must immediately pay attention to the ethical shipwreck of his government “.

The PP, for its part, affirms that the government “has done everything in its power”, according to the parliamentary spokesperson of the popular parties, Carlos Díaz-Pache, who maintained that the judicial decisions which have up to presently excluded criminal liability for the Executive approving its actions. “The opposition has accustomed us to exploiting the pain of the victims,” he argued, adding that the Madrid government was the one that had “best” managed COVID.

Vox spokesperson Rocío Monasterio took advantage of the news to justify the actions of her party, at a time when the PP and Ciudadanos governed in the minority. “There have been terrible things […] At Vox, everything has been done to ensure that they do not exist [los protocolos de la vergüenza]”.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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