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HomeBreaking NewsFamous athletes accused of fraud before the judge

Famous athletes accused of fraud before the judge

First court hearing on the criminal case of the former vice-president of the Azerbaijan Kickboxing and Sambo Federation, professional athlete Sabuhi Rajab (Sabuhi Vaqifoglu) and his acquaintance, athlete Elman Mirzayev.

Oku.AzAccording to the information, the meeting was chaired by Ali Mammadov, judge of the Baku Serious Crimes Court.

World champion Elman Mirzayev was last granted preventive measure without arrest by Judge Ali Mammadov for delaying the trial. Subsequently, state prosecutor Eldar Hamza announced charges against the defendants. The athletes pleaded not guilty to the charges. The court decided to question the victims and the accused. The trial is scheduled for October 14.

In the investigation material, it was mentioned that the accused committed fraud by seizing a large amount of property from a stranger through breach of trust and deception.

Thus, at the end of July 2019, Sabuhi Rajab and his acquaintance Elman Mirzayev abused the trust of Hasan Yagubov and lied that they would receive a private property extract for a 3,000 square meter facility located near the Khatai district of the capital, near the “Hazi Aslanov metro station. They deceived the victim and bought 146,000 manats sent through Intigam Osmanov by making promises and deceiving.

Furthermore, in early September 2019, they repeatedly abused the trust of Ramin Sevdimaliyev in front of the State Property Registration Service building at 50 Yusif Safarov Street, Khatai district of the capital, with the intention of looting the property of a stranger. Abusing the trust of Ramin Sevdimaliyev, from the city of Sumgait. By falsely promising that they would receive an extract from the land located on Sulh Street in the form of private property, they took a total of 380,000 manats and defrauded the victim causing a large amount of money. damage.

In addition, the defendants repeatedly abused the trust of Sabuhi Zeynalov with the intention of looting the property of a stranger in the building of Notary Office No. 43 in the Nasimi district of the capital. They bought 85,000 manats creating a picture of an initial sale without telling the real facts about the property on Nizami Street, in the Nasimi district of the capital, which was pledged in OJSC “Parabank” and which had been deprived of registration due to the relevant court decision, and S. Zeynalova received a large amount of money, they committed fraud by causing damage.

Furthermore, Sabuhi Rajab and Elman Mirzayev defrauded Feyzi Agabayev of 22,600 AZN by falsely promising that they would get a job in law enforcement.

Furthermore, at the end of January 2021, they repeatedly abused Azer Alekbarov’s trust without intending to fulfill the obligation he had assumed beforehand with the intention of looting a stranger’s property, and sentenced him to house arrest for the crime of murder. intentional act committed by his father-in-law Idris Maharramov. They made a false promise that he would be replaced and that criminal liability would be reduced in the future, and committed fraud by taking a total of 155,000 manats.

Furthermore, Sabuhi Rajab, in collusion with his acquaintance Elman Mirzayev, made a false promise that they would sell a “Range Rover” car, valued at 185,000 US dollars and 314,500 manats at the 2021 exchange rate, belonging to Allahveren Agayev of the “Hall of car exhibition “Avto Gallery”. A fraud of 263,500 manats was committed against the victim.

In addition, they falsely promised to bring Mayil Aliyev the “Range Rover Sport” and “Bentley” passenger cars at a price below their value, and in total they defrauded 127,500 manats.

The indictment also claims that both defendants committed fraud amounting to 5,950 manats by making a false promise that they would distract Ibrahim Valiyev from being called up for active military service with his disability diagnosis.

Both people were charged with article 178.3.2 of the Penal Code (When the fraud is committed causing significant damage).

It should be recalled that in September last year, S. Rajab was found guilty of massive fraud and sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison at the Baku Serious Crimes Court, presided over by Judge Ali Mammadov.

It should also be noted that S. Rajab previously worked at the Constitutional Court. Later, he became vice president of martial sambo in the kickboxing and sambo federations of Azerbaijan. In 2018 he held the position of vice-president of the Public Union “Cultural Center of Azerbaijanis of the World”. In 2020, he was a candidate for MP for Khazar-Pirallahi District No. 13.

Elgun Hasanli


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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