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HomeLatest NewsITV strike, the first in Spain with an official anthem

ITV strike, the first in Spain with an official anthem

“We’re on the streets, fighting for what’s right/a decent deal on ITV, that’s what I’m looking for.” With this stanza begins the ‘official anthem’ of the strike of Industrial Verifications of Andalusia SA (Veiasa)the Andalusian government company that manages the Technical Vehicle Inspection Service (ITV), with which the CC.OO and UGT unions intend to disseminate the demands of this group of workers.

The song, recorded with almost professional musical arrangements, returns to the conflict in this public company to the rhythm of rap. “Veiasa, are you listening to me?, it’s real / from Huévar to Almería all of Andalusia without further delay / years of negotiations, but we are already tired / inspectors, administrators and technicians together we are rebelling”

The music in the music video is complemented by images of Veiasa staff mobilizationsnews reports on the conflict and images from ITV centres. The chorus focuses on the announcement that the unions have no plans to lower their demands: “We want justice, we want unity, for a better future, make your voice heard/we are the force, we are the engine, Veiasa the heart./We are I’m not going to stop until we negotiate what we deserve, that the deal is real.”

“Minimal services but the soul is maximum/united, we are the essence of Veiasa/and even if other unions want to sell us the motorcycle/of this protest boat, no one will bring us down”, continues the anthem official of the Veiasa strike, in which There is no shortage of instrumental parts and choirs.

“Find out, Juanma Moreno!”

The song includes a direct allusion to the President of the Andalusian Government: “Not just money, we ask for much more than that/it’s for our family, it’s for progress/with the agreement expired we can’t more/It’s Veiasa time, meet Juanma Moreno!», sings the soloist who raps the song.

The last stanza states that “It’s time, there’s no turning back/If the bosses squeeze us, their feet will stop us/the power is in the union, here we no longer suffer/let history be made, this is our ITV“.

The labor dispute is far from resolved. After eight days of strike, the UGT and CCOO unions announced it last Friday a call for an indefinite strike for the month of Octoberafter having presented a new collective agreement proposal which “worsens” the last one transferred to the union party.

The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Government of Andalusia estimated that the follow-up to the strike among Veiasa staff was more than 56 percent, excluding the workers on justified absence due to vacation, sick leave or their own business.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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