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Almansa, Sporting de Alcázar, San Clemente and Guadalajara B, full of four victories in Preferente

The fourth day of Preferente was played this weekend and at the end there are only four teams left with a total of four victories: UD Almansa, Sporting de Alcázar, AD San ​​​​Clemente and Deportivo Guadalajara B. D On the other hand, the teams that have not yet added a point are: Manchego Provencio, Cultural Valdeganga and Mocejón. In Group I, Roda CF’s victory over local rival La Roda UD by 1-2 stands out. Furthermore, in Group II, Villa suffered a severe defeat when visiting the reserve team of Guadalajara by 4-1.

The group I markers were:

– Atlético Teresiano, 4-Cultural Valdeganaga, 1

– UD Carrión, 3-Atlético Tomelloso, 1

– La Solana, 2-Almodóvar, 2

-Miguelturreño, 0-San Clemente, 2

-La Roda UD, 1-La Roda CF, 2

– Manchego Provencio, 1-Sporting de Alcázar, 2

– Conquense B, 0-Motilla, 3

– UD Almansa, 5-San José Obrero, 2

Campillo, 1-Heritage, 0

The results of group II were:

– Talavera B, 4-Orgaceño, 1

– Albiceleste Academy, 1-Pantoja, 1

– Madridejos, 2-Santa Cruz Ujaf, 0

– Guadalajara B, 4-Villas, 1

-Sonseca, 1-Quintanar, 2

– Fuensalida, 2-Mocejón, 0

-Yuncos, 4-Alovera, 1

– Toledo Polygon, 0-Torpedo 66, 4

– Sporting de Cabanillas, 2-Torrijos, 2

First Autonomous

In the First Autonomous Region the third day was played. In Group I, Minglanilla, Atlético Ibañés and Madrigueras lead the standings with nine points. The markers were:

– The Tables, 1-Barrax, 2

– Caudetano, 0-Quintanar del Rey B, 3

– Atlético Jareño, 0-Atlético Ibañés, 2

– Mahora, 2-Munera, 0

– Higueruela, 1-Hellín, 2

– Minglanilla, 6 (with three goals from Navarro)-Alpera, 0

– Burrows, 3-Imperial Hood, 1

-Raven Mote, 1-Tarazona, 1

In Group II, Bolañego and Criptanense lead the standings with nine points. The markers were:

– Bolañego, 6-Quinces 3

– Alcázar, 1-Porzuna, 2

– Piedrabuena, 1-Atlético Cervantino, 1

-Daimiel Racing Club, 2-Calatrava, 1

-Criptanense, 2-Villafranca, 1

– Atlético Puertollano, 1-Pozuelo, 2

Urda, 0-Miguel Esteban, 1

– La Fuente, 3-Almadén Heritage, 1

In Group III, Toledo B, Mora and Bargas lead the standings with nine points. The results were as follows:

– Argés, 5-Méntrida, 0

– Mora, 3 (three goals from Germán Torres)-Cedillo, 2

– Recas, 4-Navalcán, 1

– Novés, 0-Toledo B, 4

– Polán, 2-Sponsorship, 0

– Calera, 5-Juventud Torreña, 0

– Casarrubios, 2-Atlético Consuegra, 4

– Los Yébenes, 0-Bargas, 1

In Group IV, Esquivias and Illescas B lead the standings with nine points. The results were as follows:

– Seseña, 0-El Casar, 0

– Horche, 0-Illescas B, 3

-Añover, 1-Sigüenza, 1

– Cobeja, 0-Sagreño, 0

– Torrejón del Rey, 3-Sporting de Cabanillas B, 3

– Yunquera, 1-House Alcarreño, 2

– Esquivias, 5-Jésús de la Ossa, 0

– Yes, 1-Azuqueca B, 2

Second Autonomous Region

The first day was played in group II of the Second Autonomous Region. The results were as follows:

– Causeway, 1-Valenzuela, 1

– Picón, 4-Poblete, 3

– Las Casas, 2-Almodóvar B, 4

– Villartense, 3-Children, 1

-La Estrella, 0-Sporting Torrenueva, 0

– Santa Cruz, 7 (with three goals from Sergio De la Rubia)-Atlético Puertollano B, 0

– Villarrubia B, 0-Almagro, 2

Rest the Corraleño

The second day was played in group III. Almaguer and Almoradiel lead the standings with six points. The results were as follows:

– Almoradiel, 2-Pedro Muñoz, 1

-El Toboso, 4-Los Llanos, 1

– Optense, 1-Lillo, 0

– Valera, 2-Cristo de la Vega, 1

– Villatobas, 3-La Santa Cruz, 0

– Almaguer, 1-Villanueva de Alcardete, 0

– Triana Tresjuncos, 0-La Inmaculada, 0

– Enchanted City, 1-Belmonte, 2

The first day was played in group IV. The results were as follows:

– Ugena, 1-Racing Club Cabins, 0

– Nambroca, 2-Heart of Titan, 1

– Villaseca, 5-El Viso, 3

– Mocejón B, 1-Yeles, 0

– Guadamur, 0-Seseña B, 2

-Cedillo B, 2-Borox, 0

– Pantoja B, 1-Magán, 1

– Villaluenga, 1-Benquerencia, 2

The first day was played in group V. The results were as follows:

– Navahermosa, 1-Valmojado, 0

– Sporting de Gálvez, 1-Gerindote, 4

– Cazalegas B, 2-Paz Santa Cruz de Retamar, 2

– Talavera La Nueva, 2-Pueblanueva, 1

-Puebla, 4-Camarena, 2

– Oropesa, 4-Cabins, 2

– Stage 4-Malpica, 0

Rest Torrijos B

The first day was played in group VI-A. The results were as follows:

– Cifontino, 1-Dove, 1

– Rayo Arriacense, 1-Mandayona, 2

– Marchamalo B, 1-Guadalajara C, 4

– Jadraque, 3-Fontanar, 2

– Usanos, 5-Cultural Espinosa, 1

The second day was played in group VI-B. The results were as follows:

– Atlético Guadalajara, 2-Horche B, 2

-Yebra, 2-Guadalajara CF, 4

– Haro, 3-Méliz Sport, 3

– Villanueva de la Torre, 1-Íbero Sport, 1

– Ciudad Valdeluz, 1-Almoguera, 1 (suspended in the 88th minute due to incidents between the public and the players).

Alovera B rested

National Youth League

In the National Youth League, the fourth day was played. Cazalegas alone leads the standings with 10 points. The results were as follows:

– Azuqueca, 2-Toledo, 1

– Atlético Puertollano, 2-Alameda, 3

-Talavera, 1-EFB Almansa, 1

– Albacete B, 3-EFB Miguelturra, 0

– Guadalajara, 0-Illescas, 3 (three goals from Erik Holguin)

– Jesús de la Ossa, 1-Albacer, 6 (three goals from Correa)

– La Roda UD, 1-Cazalegas, 2

– Sporting de Alcázar, 3 – Albiceleste Academy, 1

– Argés, 2-Sonseca, 1.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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