Monday, September 30, 2024 - 10:51 pm
HomeLatest NewsFormer mayor of Maderuelo, Segovia, is sentenced for allowing a municipal bar...

Former mayor of Maderuelo, Segovia, is sentenced for allowing a municipal bar in a specially protected environment

The Civil and Criminal Chamber of the TSJCyL partially annulled the sentence handed down by the Provincial Court of Segovia and sentenced the former mayor of Maderuelo (Segovia) from 1974 to June 2019 for the crime of administrative prevarication to the penalty of special disqualification for a employment or public office and for the exercise of the right to passive suffrage for a period of nine years.

The Court confirmed its decision in the judgment which acquitted the aforementioned accused of an offense against land planning and a continuing offense of embezzlement of public funds, reported by the High Court.

Furthermore, the court confirmed the acquittal of the secretary of the municipality, accused as a cooperator of a continuing crime against territorial planning; of a continuous crime of prevarication in media competition with a continuous crime of embezzlement of public funds; and, in the alternative, as the author of an offense of failure to prosecute.

The facts which led to the conviction refer to the construction of a municipal bar-restaurant in a specially protected environment – on rustic natural protection land 2, classified as undevelopable, protected or specially protected – and without respecting the distance from 250 meters. at the Hermitage of Veracruz.

The construction of the bar was discussed with the announcement of the construction of an interpretation center of the Villa de Maderuelo-Aula de la Naturaleza in order to obtain the appropriate license, which could not have been granted otherwise due to of the type of terrain.

Likewise, the creation of said public utility center justified the expropriation of certain properties to build an access road; obtain a loan from FOMIT funds in the amount of 300,000 euros; and the expenditure, not only of this amount, but of 174,202 euros more, without the aforementioned cultural building ever seeing its construction begin, details the information.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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