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A Muslim man is found guilty of raping his wife in the name of Allah and beating her for giving food to the baby.

He Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) ratified a judgment of the Court of Cordoba who condemns 15 years and five months in prison to Ahmed T. for the crimes of sexual assault, threats, abuse and habitual domestic violence against his partner, with whom he had a “despotic” relationship. The accused went so far as to rape her, telling her that it was an order from Allah to hit her in front of her baby because she had given him baby food containing pork.

“Due to the express wish of the victim”, the woman’s lawyer did not want to provide further information to OKDIARIO Andalucía about the accused.

The TSJA judgment, to which this newspaper had access, indicates as factual context that the accused and the victim (both Muslimsshe speaks) they kept a “stormy relationship” for a little over three years, between 2015 and 2018, having a daughter born in October 2016. Both contracted marriage according to the Islamic rite without civil effects and they lived in different houses in Córdoba, although in the crisis phases of the relationship the woman moved temporarily with her daughter to Alicante, where her parents live.

Throughout the relationship, he subjected the victim to “structural and systematic abuse,” including “psychological domination” and “humiliation”even when she was pregnant, according to “defendant’s particular interpretation of the precepts of Islam», occupying a position of “domination” and she of “submission”.

He insulted her with expressions such as “useless”, “human waste”, “bad mother”, “whore”, “dirty”, “slut” or “gypsy” and threatened to take the girl away from him, leave her in the street or even kill her.

During the relationship, the accused “I spat on him and hit him, pushing and pulling hair”, in addition to leave her “locked up” in the house when he left. He also forced her to perform oral sex on him, which she agreed to under the threat of not giving him money to support herself and her daughter.

Rape and assault

After the hell she went through, the woman finally decided to file a complaint on February 5, 2019. She reported that in the fall of 2018, the accused forced her to have sex despite her refusal, throwing her on the bed, holding her arms and removing her underwear while she “tried to keep her legs closed”. The day after the rape, Ahmed told her that he a command from Allah and she was bound by the marital debt, whether she wanted it or not: “Allah wants that as long as you live under my roof,” you are obliged to do so, she told him.

On another occasion, while sharing a house with his parents, the accused he attacked her when she wanted to go out take a walk with a friend. Ahmed opposed it because, according to him, “it was too late”.

In December 2017, while she was on the street, the woman asked her to buy a pacifier for the little girl because the one she was wearing was dirty, which “irritated” Ahmed, who he hit him to the side and pushed her “to walk in the direction of her house”, telling her that “he was going to find out” when they arrived. The victim ran crying into a pharmacy and the employee called the police. When the officers arrived, the woman “he didn’t dare report it out of fear” to your partner.

In late 2018, in the Cordoba house, the woman fed the little girl, “because she had nothing else,” she said. pot containing pork . When Ahmed found out, He punched her in the face, grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.all in the presence of the minor. Alerted by the noise, a neighbor called the police, but when they arrived, the victim did not dare to report it either, “because she was dominated by the terror of what Ahmed could do to her”.

The decision indicates that as a result of these physical, sexual and verbal assaultsthe woman “suffers from an adjustment disorder with anxiety symptoms that require medical and psychological treatmentbecause it negatively interferes with the daily life of the person concerned.

At trial, the accused denied all accusations and alleged that the woman had denounced him in revenge for not signing the conditions set out in the divorce contract. However, the court notes that the victim’s testimony was “convincing” and His account was “consistent” and “persistent”thus excluding “any fallacious or twisted motivation to file a false complaint”.

Once the relationship broke down and the woman was in Alicante with her father, in a “safe environment and far from her attacker”, who was still in Cordoba, “gathered enough courage” report the facts to the authorities, “ask for help from the courts” and “detach yourself from this toxic relationship forever,” the decision emphasizes.

15 years and €12,000 compensation

The court fully accepts the account of the proven facts mentioned in the judgment of the third section of the Provincial Court of Córdoba and revokes the defendant’s appeal, thus confirming the sentence of 10 years in prison for a crime of sexual assault and the ban on approaching the victim and her home within a radius of 500 meters and communicating with her by any means for 11 years. He also sentenced him to seven years of probation.

Furthermore, this condemns him to six months in prison for a crime of threats light in the domain analogous to the marital domain, two years and four months prison for three crimes abuseAlready one year and nine months more for a crime of vHabitual physical and mental violence.

In addition, Ahmed must compensate the victim with 12,000 euros for the physical and psychological suffering caused. An appeal can be filed against the resolution to the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court.

The accused also admitted to having recorded the protected witness with his phone and other witnesses while waiting for the trial to begin, which is why the TSJA requests that the facts be transmitted to the custody court in case they could constitute a crime.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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