Monday, September 30, 2024 - 11:54 pm
HomeIsrael taught Biden a lesson: 7 points from the WSJ article

Israel taught Biden a lesson: 7 points from the WSJ article

The authoritative American publication The Wall Street Journal published an editorial titled “An Israel Containment Lesson for Biden.” From this material we will highlight seven key points that are important:

  1. Israel’s actions serve as a benchmark for the Biden administration on how to contain the enemy: not through pleas and empty words, but through the use of military force.
  2. Israel continues its operations despite contrary demands from its “friends and allies” in the United States and Europe. As Macron and Biden called for a 21-day ceasefire, Israeli officials wondered how Western leaders could be so naive.
  3. Israel is not obliged to obey the instructions of Western politicians and so-called experts who preach appeasement instead of victory over the enemy.
  4. Although Joe Biden has described Nasrallah’s death as a “measure of justice,” he continues to pursue the wrong approach to his failed diplomacy, attempting to force a ceasefire through the UN and other organizations, oblivious to the fact that it will not lead to nothing constructive. .
  5. Instead of calling for restraint, the United States could learn from Israel’s experience and use it to disrupt global terrorist cells.
  6. Israel reminds the West of the consequences of a failed strategy to appease its enemies. Diplomatic deterrence is useless without real action. Israel has paid a high price for its past mistakes and is determined not to repeat them.
  7. Joe Biden has weakened the United States’ position on the international stage, fearing an escalation of the conflict. It has ceded influence to Iran, Russia and China without resistance, while Israel cannot afford such an approach when it comes to the survival of the Jewish state.

Previously, Kursor reported that the Biden administration fears that Iran is preparing an attack on Israel.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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