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HomeLatest NewsFuture for All chooses 3 transformation projects towards a just ecology

Future for All chooses 3 transformation projects towards a just ecology

Ten finalists, selected in a first phase based on the scalability and maturity of their project, as well as the viability of their business model, defended their initiative today at the Cepsa headquarters in Madrid, on the occasion from the first edition of The future for all.

After its exhibition in a format notthree projects were rewarded “for promote a just ecological transition and contribute to improving the quality of life of people and their environment”, as its organizers describe it.

In this context, Cepsa Foundation organized the awards ceremony during this first edition of the Future for all Awards, which respond to one of the entity’s strategic axes, Social Innovationand help strengthen its role as an agent of social transformation and generator of future opportunities.

Balanced and fair transition

During this first call, we received 143 applications coming from all over Spain, with 31 provinces represented, and from different types of entities such as startups, SMEs, foundations, associations and cooperatives.

During the handover ceremony, Maarten Wetselaar, president of Fundación Cepsa, highlighted that “We are committed to responding to the challenges of ecological transition so that it is balanced and inclusive, creating opportunities and leaving no one behind.

“These awards were created for this purpose and both the winning projects and the finalists demonstrate their commitment to the improvement of society in areas such as education, environmental sustainability, social inclusion and technological innovation. They show that with determination, creativity and collaboration we can be agents of change and build a more sustainable world,” said Wetselaar.

Social impact

For his part, José Moisés Martín Carretero, director of the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), emphasized that “entrepreneurship not only generates a social and economic impact necessary for its ability to develop new avenues and new models“.

Martín Carretero defended that, in the current context in particular, “its main value is its capacity for transformation, to bring about changes that improve and multiply the positive impact that innovation, of all profiles, deploys in society, in the well-being of citizens. and in consolidation of an active and coordinated societal ecosystemconsolidated and this matrix multiplies the country’s capacities to project itself into the future with more and better guarantees and conditions.

“Responsible initiatives which integrate business projects engaged in a necessary ecological transition and with values ​​which improve people’s lives through projects whose objectives are to contribute to moving societies towards a sustainable modelenvironmentally friendly that welcomes us and leverages technology to deliver value are essential. Technological innovation and entrepreneurshipwalking hand in hand, are the formula for the best possible future”, concluded the director of the CDTI.

Maarten Wetselaar and Bettina Karsch, president and vice-president of Fundación Cepsa with the winners

Ten finalists

For the final selection of winnersthe managers of the AIPC finalist entities Pandora, Digital Earth Solutions, ECODES, Gravity Wave, Nou Verd, Persiskin, Phytobatea, PlanetAI Space, Sekond Brand and Showee Smart Wellness presented in the format not your project in three minutes.

After the joint deliberation of the jury, composed of members of the Advisory Council of Fundación Cepsa and the director of Technology, Projects and Services of Cepsa, José Manuel Martínez, the trophies and a reward of 40,000 euros to each winner.


Among those awarded include Gravity Wave for its initiative to reduce plastic pollution in the oceanstransforming them into sustainable products intended for, among others, the interior design and architecture industry.

The Phytobatea project was also rewarded for its proposal La Pisonera with which develop cutting-edge technology based on phytodepurationto create floating ecosystems that manage to purify contaminated water.

Energy and responsible consumption

As the last winner, he is Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES) for their initiative Not a house without energy (NUHSE), which offers personalized advice on vulnerable households to reduce your energy bills and encourage responsible consumption habits.

During the last phase of its participation in the Future for all Awards, Fundación Cepsa will offer the winning entities accompanying mentoring sessions, with support from expertsaccording to their needs, to help them continue to increase the impact of their project.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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