Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 1:01 am
HomeTop Storiesmoderates his speech and censors Tellado's idea of ​​suppressing the army

moderates his speech and censors Tellado’s idea of ​​suppressing the army

Immigration policy is suffocated by the PP. This Monday, the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, wanted to give a much more moderate speech, even modifying what was then proposed by the spokesperson of the PP in Congress, Miguel Tellado, who had chosen to send the Navy to control the arrival of the cayucos.

Today, Feijóo says this is a general policy that serves no purpose. In fact, Feijóo has made several twists and turns in his speech in recent months. The leader of the PP surprises by moderating the tone already common in his party, this time on migration.

Broad brush is a bad thing for everything. No one is talking about using ships to stop anything. At sea, in the event of a shipwreck, international maritime law dictates the need to help the shipwrecked,” said the PP leader in an interview with La Vanguardia.

Feijóo thus disavows, in general terms, his right-hand man Miguel Tellado, who asked in July to send the navy to stop the cayucos. Then the PP spokesperson in Congress asked: “use the means of the Army of the Navy to deal with this phenomenon of irregular migration.

But when Feijóo is asked if the Meloni immigration policy is better than that of Spain, your answer is ambiguous. “Listen, I can tell you that if the mafias involved in human trafficking have to choose the country where they can operate most easily, they choose Spain (…) The Meloni system is a valid system for Italy and the Greek system is a valid system for Greece,” defended Feijóo.

But not so long ago he praised, directly and openly, these migratory patterns. “Italy’s immigration policy works and not in my country,” Feijóo said on July 19.

But the population has been very critical of migration, at least so far. He came to link migration and delinquency and defended that “the Spaniards deserve to take to the streets peacefully”, thus getting closer to the far-right speech. “Solidarity, yes, but security too,” he once said.

This link has always been denied by the Government. To go further, this same Monday, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, did so. “There is no objective element that connects or connects migration to crime,” assured Marlaska in response to these speeches that link crime to migration.

Regarding the possibility of an agreement with the PP on immigration policy, the Minister of Digital Transformation, Óscar López, hopes to achieve it as quickly as possible to alleviate the pressure and the situation that the Canary Islands are experiencing.




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