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“I had to face problems with…”

It is becoming common to see elite athletes admitting to having suffered from mental health. In Spanish sport, figures such as Ricky Rubio They had the courage to say publicly that they faced these kinds of episodes.

In the world of Formula 1 This is a little-explored subject. However, he is a legend of this sport because Lewis Hamilton the one who advanced towards recognize who for a large part of his life suffered from mental health problems.

The seven-time world champion said in an interview with the ‘Sunday Times’: “When I was 20, I went through some really difficult stages. I had to deal with mental health issues. mental health throughout my life“.

Hamilton even uses the word “depression» which again shows the extent of what he suffered: “Depression. From a very young age, when I was like 13 years old. I think it was the pressure racing and problems at school. Harassment. “I had no one to talk to.”

Faced with this situation, the pilot of Mercedes seeking help, he saw a therapist but admits it didn’t help him much: “I talked to a woman years ago, but she really it wasn’t useful. I’d like to find someone today.”

Fortunately for Hamiltonover the years, these problems have lessened according to the British: “You learn things that your parents passed on to you, you notice these patterns, how you react to things, how can you change them. So what could have made me angry in the past it doesn’t do that anymore today. “I’m much more refined.”




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