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HomeTop StoriesHealth will allow the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes against chronic...

Health will allow the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes against chronic pain and the effects of chemotherapy

He therapeutic use of cannabis It’s getting closer in Spain. He Ministry of Health has put for public consultation the full text of the royal decree by which it is intended create a program that regulates the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Eight months ago, Santé put forward its proposal limit the uses of the plant to “master formulas” (oils derived from active cannabis ingredients), leaving aside the marijuana flowers (the buds).

The text of this royal decree specifies the pathologies for which patients can be treated with these oils, which will be “those for which there is scientific evidence of the therapeutic benefit of cannabis and its extracts”. Specifically, Its use will be authorized for multiple sclerosis, for the effects of chemotherapy and for chronic refractory pain..

However, the ministry specifies that this list “could be expanded or modifiedwith the necessary agility based on scientific evidence. » It is however specified that “the standard master formulas will be used when there are no authorized medications or when they do not correspond to the patient’s needs”.

There are already precedents in Europe

This is one more step towards the legalization of medical cannabis in a journey that began in 2021 by a subcommittee of the Congress of Deputies. In countries like Portugal, Germany or Italy, the therapeutic use of cannabis is already authorized and be carried out effectively.




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