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HomeTop StoriesThe DGT advises residents of large cities to share a car because...

The DGT advises residents of large cities to share a car because they are “at the limit of their capacities”

The general director of traffic, Pere Navarro, warned that entrances and exits from large cities like Madrid, Barcelona or Malaga “they are at the limit of their capacity in terms of traffic”especially in the early hours of the morning, and asked users traveling by car to occupy at least two seats in each vehicle.

This is how Pere Navarro spoke at the inauguration of a conference organized by the DGT and the consultancy firm PONS Mobility, to address the legislative challenges of the right of repetition and its impact on road safety, with the participation of representatives from UNESPA, the Insurance Compensation Consortium and the Associated European Motorists (AEA).

In this sense, Pere Navarro maintained that after carrying out a “measurement” on the state of traffic, it was noted that in “80% of vehicles” only carry one person. “With the capacity limit, do the math, any day now we will be stopped,” he stressed.

For this reason, Navarro advocated “put two people in each vehicle.” “In the 21st century this should not be impossible,” said the Director General of Traffic, who opted for “half the number of vehicles, half the fuel consumption and half the emissions”.

As he explained, Tráfico wants to “open the debate a little on this issue”. He further indicated that Surroundingswhich “is the most powerful element for urban mobility, for the mobility of cities”, will double its service “but by 2030”.

Navarro highlighted that various initiatives are already launched to encourage the use of carpooling. “Blablacar went through the DGT, which is a French multinational, and which in certain cities provides the service, subsidized by the administrations, but which offers the service of expansion, car sharing at entry and exit, and he explained this with good results,” he maintained.

“The challenge we face is increase vehicle occupancy rate and what there can’t be is more vehicles. We’re at the limit of our capacity, and what we can’t do is spend all day talking about climate change, emissions, etc., and have the ability to go in and out of cities with vehicles at the limit,” he concluded.




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