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HomeEntertainment NewsOpponents and supporters of assisted dying put pressure on Michel Barnier

Opponents and supporters of assisted dying put pressure on Michel Barnier

The letter arrived at Matignon on Friday, September 27: “It would be extremely inappropriate to ask us to help our fellow citizens die.” write to your signatories, who invokes “the budget constraint” and the “sacrifices” WHO “The world of health will be asked”. The letter is signed by a multitude of organizations that bring together doctors, nurses, pharmacists and medical trainees, joined by an association of patient representatives, all united in the Life Care collective.

In total, more than twenty scientific associations and societies, including the French Society for Palliative Support and Care, led the fight against the bill that paved the way for “assisted dying”, whose first reading was brutally interrupted in June for the dissolution of the National Assembly.

The letter was sent to Michel Barnier before his general policy declaration, on Tuesday 1Ahem October to the Assembly. On purpose. Its objective is to dissuade you from committing to accept the bill that authorizes euthanasia or assisted suicide for adult patients at the end of life who request it after medical authorization and based on several criteria. “We firmly reiterate that killing is not a treatment”the authors of the letter insist.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. With the dissolution of the Assembly, the law on “assisted dying” threatens to be erased

Could Michel Barnier ignore the end-of-life law, considered by Emmanuel Macron as the social reform of his five-year mandate? Asked on September 23 by Agence France-presse, Geneviève Darrieussecq, the new Minister of Health, said that she supported the idea that parliamentarians “You must finish the job”. Although it specifies that they must “Talk to the Prime Minister about it.” of which she did not have “it is not the position”.

“The Assembly must address this issue”

The authors of the letter promise that Mr. Barnier’s ambition will be to make “improve access to care” an axis of its policy. “It would be incomprehensible for Parliament to debate the issue of the end of life even before any other project aimed at better meeting the health needs of the French people.” the twenty signatories argue.

Michel Barnier is under the same pressure from supporters of the resumption of the bill that opens access to “assisted dying”. “I do not expect the Prime Minister to adopt a precise position on this issue, “, confided Olivier Falorni, deputy (Les Démocrates, Charente-Maritime), former general rapporteur of the bill, at the end of the week. What I am convinced of today is that the National Assembly must address this issue so that the debate can resume and reach its conclusion. » In July, the deputy presented a bill (PPL), a faithful copy of the text voted in June. The articles that were not examined in session are inspired by the version adopted by the special commission on the end of life met before the examination in session in the Chamber by the deputies.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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