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“Oh, how scary, I would do it 100 times more”

He Paris Saint-Germain came to a boil due to the confrontation, now public, between Luis Enrique and Ousmane Dembélé. The French player, formerly of Barcelona, ​​was excluded from the group for the match against PSG. Arsenal In Champions League for a clash with his trainer. Both had a lively discussion in private after the Parisians’ last match against Rennes.

During the press conference before the match against Arsenal, Luis Enrique confirmed the fire of PSG and the bad feeling with his player. “If someone, in a serious way, does not respect the obligations of the team, it means for me he is not ready», Explained the Spanish coach, asked several times about Dembélé. “My goal is to look for the best for the team, that’s my decision,” added Luis Enrique about the Frenchman’s absence for this important match against Arsenal.

One of the most notable moments of Luis Enrique’s explanation, already tired of so many questions about Ousmane Dembélé, was when he even mocked the footballer’s participation in his team, recalling that with him , the team also lost matches. “It seems that we have never lost with Dembélé. “We lost at Newcastle, at Milan, at Dortmund, we also lost at home against Barça.”said Luis Enrique, who even left a moment that could well be understood as a mockery of Dembélé. “Oh, how scary, huh, how scary”the former Spanish coach said while gesturing.

Luis Enrique admitted that Dembélé’s exclusion was “a difficult decision”, but “the best for the team” and that “I would do it again 100 times”. Of course, the PSG coach does not consider this to be “irreversible”. Taking advantage of the fact that many journalists questioned Luis Enrique about Ousmane Dembélé, as is logical, the Asturian also returned to become addicted to the press. “You think building a team is easy. Put in all eleven players and everything flows. Being a team involves a series of difficult circumstances.

“I’m going to make a team until the last day I’m in Paris. A team which has an identity, which is courageous, daring, which plays good football. Let him try. That he will win every match. “I can guarantee it,” added Luis Enrique in preview of this European Cup match, explaining that “I am not going to make a soap opera out of it”.

Of course, Luis Enrique assured that “there was no discussion between the player and me” and repeated that this “is totally false, it’s a lie”. “There is no problem between the player and the coach, there is a problem between the player and his obligations in the team,” added Luis Enrique during the PSG press conference before the match. Champions League.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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