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HomeBreaking NewsThe presidents of the YAP regional organizations Khatai and Narimanov have been...

The presidents of the YAP regional organizations Khatai and Narimanov have been relieved of their duties

On September 30, the next meeting of the board of directors of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) was held.

Oku.Az It is reported that Vice President and Head of the YAP Central Office Tahir Budagov declared the meeting open and congratulated the party members who won the deputy mandate in the extraordinary elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan held on September 1 this year, and wished them success in their activities.

He highlighted that for the first time in the history of independence, parliamentary elections were held in all the territories of sovereign Azerbaijan: “The president, Muzaffar, commander-in-chief Ilham Aliyev After the historic achievements and glorious victories won by your leadership, this election is called “New era with New Azerbaijan!” The New Azerbaijan Party, which ran under this slogan, won 68 seats in parliament and again won a convincing victory. Election results great leader of the people Heydar Aliyev It was another confirmation of his unwavering trust and unequivocal support for the New Azerbaijan Party, which has a political legacy and is on an honorable path of development under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev.

The vice president of YAP said that on September 23, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, during his conceptual and programmatic speech at the first session of the seventh convocation Milli Majlis, referred to the important tasks ahead of us, as well as to the achievements:

“In particular, the ideas and recommendations of Mr. Ilham Aliyev regarding the provision of ideological security make it necessary for us to work more responsibly as members of the New Azerbaijan Party. There is no doubt that the fulfillment of these tasks arising from the strategic objectives National objectives will determine the further increase of Azerbaijan’s power in the new stage. We believe that, as until now, thanks to the will of our people, the determined and far-sighted policy of the President of the New Azerbaijan Party Mr. Ilham Aliyev. , insidious plans and threats against our country will be resolutely prevented, Azerbaijan will achieve important successes and achieve all its strategic goals with confidence.”

Then, the agenda items for the meeting were discussed. At the meeting, the issue of dismissal of Vugar Ganjali oghlu Rahimzade from the post of chairman of the YAP Khatai district organization and Samir Ahmad oglu Valiyev from the post of chairman of the YAP Narimanov district organization was first discussed. YAP Vice President and Head of the Central Office, Tahir Budagov, said that this issue arises from the demands of the Charter approved at the VII Congress of the party. Since both people were elected members of the Milli Majlis, they should be relieved of the position of president of the district organization. Tahir Budagov thanked them for their services in party work and wished both people success in their future activities.

Subsequently, proposals by local YAP organizations to be expelled from the New Azerbaijan Party were examined. The decision was made after speeches by YAP Vice President Ali Ahmadov and members of the party’s board of directors: Azer Badamov, Mubariz Gurbanli, Eldar Ibrahimov, Musa Guliyev, Bahar Muradova, Hikmat Mammadov, Bayram Aslanov and Arif Rahimzade .

Then at the meeting, Adalat Muradov, member of the board of directors of YAP, rector of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, said: “Reflecting the set of concrete principles, bases, rules and methods adopted by the Central Office of the New The Azerbaijan Party and the offices of local organizations for accounting, preparation and financial reporting also made a presentation on the topic of changing the accounting policy, which defines a series of regulations on financial and economic operations, and responded to the questions of the members of the Board of Directors.

After discussions on the topic, changes to the aforementioned document were approved.

At the end of the meeting, current issues were discussed. Tahir Budagov, vice president and head of the YAP central office, stated that our country is on the threshold of the next important political processes, noting that municipal elections are approaching and our party is preparing for them at a high level.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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