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HomeTop StoriesFeijóo offers two-year contribution exemption for self-employed mothers

Feijóo offers two-year contribution exemption for self-employed mothers

The conciliation law that the People’s Party will present tomorrow to Congress proposes an aid plan to facilitate the return to work of women who have left their jobs and request leave to care for children or family members. More specifically, it establishes that self-employed women can benefit from up to two years of exemption from social security contributions. “No family should be forced to choose between stopping work or leaving their children alone,” insisted Ana Alós, head of equality and conciliation of the PP, during a press conference held this morning in Genoa.

The text rotates on nine other dorsal points. He promises a “flexible working day” and the creation of a “bank of hours” so that workers can use it “according to their needs” parents, a question that Núñez Feijóo conveyed to the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, during the interview they had last Tuesday. The leader of the PP also relaunches a frustrated initiative of the Rajoy government, and reformulates the pool of hours, the usefulness of which would be to manage its own affairs. In addition, the Feijóo propose to reduce working days from five to four in the medium term, to “thus reach the productivity levels of other countries in the world”, say popular sources. The opposition leader is considering the bill before the unions in the coming days.

In addition to the extension of paternity and maternity leavewith which Feijóo amends the government itself, the popular proposal promises bonuses for the caregiver contract for large and single-parent families, and deploys a battery of tax advantages for families, with the aim of “promoting births” . Concretely, it provides for an update of the maternity deduction and the establishment of a direct aid plan for families with dependent children” or “special attention” for families with specific conciliation needs, between others, “for families with disabled people among them or with dependent minors who suffer from chronic illnesses and also for civil servants who have children with serious illnesses, for families in vulnerable situations, for families living in rural and also especially for families “Conciliation is not an ideological question, it is something that citizens need and we must give them a solution. This is why we announce that tomorrow we will register our proposed law on family conciliation and joint responsibility in the Congress of Deputies”, said Ana Alós.

The standard that the PP will present to Congress also establishes free education from 0 to 3 years on a universal basis, the recognition of single-parent families or “the creation of a national prize for conciliation and co-responsibility to raise awareness in society about the importance of this issue and reward good commercial and social practices, or that companies that apply conciliation measures beyond what the law proposes will have greater value for public procurement”, as provided the popular deputy, who will defend the initiative in the Congress of Deputies, and will be responsible for gathering the necessary support.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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