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HomeLatest NewsThe burying of the A-5 will begin “before October 15” and will...

The burying of the A-5 will begin “before October 15” and will leave two lanes in each direction

Almost twenty years after Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón first mentioned the idea of ​​hiding the basement of the A-5, work finally begins to bury the highway that separates the neighborhoods of Lucero, Aluche and Las Águilas from those of Campamento and Casa de Campo, a historic gap in the south of the capital. The delegate of the Urban Planning, Environment and Mobility area, Borja Carabante, announced yesterday that the work on the first phase of the project will begin “before October 15”, despite traffic problems in the area, where they pass daily 80,000 vehicles and more than forty urban and interurban bus lineswill start to be noticed at the end of the year.

“It is a complicated job, complex from a technical point of view, but above all because the work program was carried out without cutting the A-5 at any time. There will be a reduction in lanes, from three to two,” explained the delegate. In fact, the first traffic interruptions will occur around November, depending on the areas. During this time, they will carry out the prior signaling and the “And this, carrying out work of such technical complexity in accordance with coexistence with traffic, is very complicated from a technical point of view, which is why it will take around two years”, he said. also emphasized the delegate about this first phase of the burial project, which will reach the height of Padre Piquer Street, to the great dismay of the neighbors grouped in the Campamento Neighborhood Association, which demands that this first phase be carried out. extends beyond Poblados Avenue.

At the same time, and “at the beginning of 2026”, the Town Hall will also carry out the work to resurface the Paseo Verde: “Where they only have half a meter of highway, they will have parks, trees and children’s play areas. areas”, said the delegate. He added that over the coming months, the project will be exposed on the surface to open it to citizen proposals that improve it.

On the other hand, throughout this week, they will prepare an alternative mobility plan with the Madrid Metro and Regional Transport Consortium offer alternatives for getting around the neighborhood by public transport.

More than 800 million

Although the first machines will arrive in the area in a few days, the municipality has been working in the area for some time, “carrying out studies on the condition of the facades and on the condition of the buildings themselves to guarantee the realization works”. in complete safety and, above all, which has no conditions”, underlined Carabante.

This burial of the A-5, “the great work of transformation of the city throughout this term, which will ensure the continuity of Madrid Río”, boasts Carabante, was financed almost entirely by the municipality. The first phase, which will cost around 408 million euros, will be entirely financed by the municipality.

The second phase of the project, linked to Operation Camp, will begin to be developed during this term but will be executed during the next, “when Operation Camp is already underway and urbanization will be necessary”, he said. concluded Carbante. This will cost around 400 million euros, although the State will contribute around 150 million.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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