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HomeLatest NewsWorkers at VJ Maintenance, an Inditex contract, call strike to demand better...

Workers at VJ Maintenance, an Inditex contract, call strike to demand better wages

The works council of the VJ Maintenance company, which manages the four Inditex Plataforma Europa warehouses in Zaragoza, is maintaining the strike called this Wednesday with the aim of demanding better wages. The strike, to which the company’s 114 employees are called, comes after the failure of negotiations within the Aragonese Mediation and Arbitration Service (SAMA) on Monday. The parties will meet again on Tuesday to try to reach an agreement which promises to be complicated.

The works council, which includes five representatives from the CGT and three from OSTÁ, called the strike after two meetings on September 17 and after failing to reach the red lines proposed to the company.

The workers’ demands, according to what the CGT union reports, include – among others – salary increases of €1,500 for each year of validity of the agreement – until June 30, 2026 -, a bonus from Monday to Friday for reduce the difference with the weekend (from €1,000 to €4,000 depending on seniority), Friday evening bonus of €50, reduction in the annual working day of 40 hours for those over 50 and 80 for over 55s, value of an extraordinary vacation at 350 euros or equate indoor prices to those of Inditex factories.

Committee sources regretted that there was not more progress in the meeting, which almost led to a staff strike. “We disagree that increasing company profits do not translate into salary improvements,” the sources said.

The strike is called for Wednesday October 2 and will last five days. This situation was reached as the unions considered the situation to be deadlocked since they launched this set of demands in February, and without progress having been made on the company agreement currently being negotiated.

This Monday’s meeting at SAMA did not bear fruit and the parties will continue negotiations this Tuesday to try to reach an agreement. Union sources are pessimistic about the possibility of this pact becoming a reality.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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