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“It has become fashionable”

Carmen Lomana did not remain silent in the face of the latest controversy that shook the social chronicle. The latest move by Angel Cristo Jr., who decided to sell compromising photographs of Bárbara Rey with Juan Carlos I, left the businesswoman deeply horrified. The news caused a stir and Lomana did not hesitate to express his dissatisfaction. In front of a reputable agency, he expressed his concern about what he considers a new “fashion”: skin the mothers.

The controversial imagesdating back almost three decades, were sold to a Dutch magazine, causing a huge scandal in Spain. As stated, The photographs were taken in 1994, apparently by Ángel Cristo himself.then a teenager of only 13 years old. What once seemed like a simple task for the young man has now become the epicenter of a betrayal that has shaken Bárbara Rey’s life. Destroyed by the situation, the star was quick to rely on her lawyers, alleging that her son had stolen the images without her consent and that she had therefore filed a lawsuit for violation of her right to honor and his private life.

For Carmen Lomana, the sale of these photos is not only a personal betrayal, but a sign of a deeper problem that affects the morals and ethics of today’s society. “I find it horrible, what is happening is terrible. This stripping of mothers which seems to have become fashionable is something that is incomprehensible to me.“, said the businesswoman, visibly upset by the situation. Lomana expresses his exhaustion at what he considers a worrying trend: the fact that children are ready to betray their own mother in order to attract attention or economic benefits.

Is Ángel Cristo the same as Carmen Borrego’s son?

Although Carmen Lomana preferred not to delve into the details of the controversywas clear when comparing the case of Ángel Cristo with another situation that has also generated controversy in recent times: the relationship between José María Almoguera and his mother, Carmen Borrego. According to him, the two cases have worrying similarities, because they seem to be part of a trend in which children publicly and without any qualms attack their mothers. “It’s a loop that we can’t escape from, neither morality nor ethics have any place here.. It’s something that already annoys me, but it affects all Spaniards, whether we like it or not,” he declared in front of the microphones of a famous agency.

The sale of photographs has reopenedold wounds and fueled the debate over the relationship between Bárbara Rey and Juan Carlos I, a topic that has been circulating in the public sphere for decades. Although romance rumors have always been present, never before has visual evidence been seen that so clearly confirmed them.

Ángel Cristo does not intend to stop

Ángel Cristo, far from stopping after the sale of these first photos, made it clear that he had more content that could see the light of day in the future. His statement that plans to go “all the way” has put everyone on alert, as it is unclear what other details or evidence he might be willing to divulge. This announcement has left many wondering what the true motivations are behind his actions. and how far he is willing to go to publicly denounce his mother.

Bárbara Rey at an event. (Photo: Gtres

Carmen Lomana is skeptical about the legal consequences of these revelations. Despite Bárbara Rey’s demands, she believes it is unlikely that blackmail or impropriety between the star and the former monarch can be proven. “If Barbara Rey blackmailed Juan Carlos I in her time, it cannot be proven today. It’s been too long and there’s no point in reliving it.. “He no longer needs to justify himself, even less now,” the businesswoman said firmly.

For Lomana, what is really at stake in this scandal is not so much the relationship between Bárbara Rey and Juan Carlos I, but rather the ethical and moral values ​​that seem to be diluted in today’s society. He makes no secret of his concern over what he sees as a growing lack of respect for mother figures. and launched a harsh criticism against those who, like Ángel Cristo Jr. and José María Almoguera, are ready to damage the reputation of their own mother for personal interests.

The fashion that Carmen Lomana does not intend to follow

This scandal has made many people think about the limits of what is considered acceptable in public life and how far some people are willing to go to gain notoriety or money. Carmen Lomana has made it clear that this new “fad” of betrayal of mothers is not only a symptom of a deep crisis of values, but also a trend that, according to her, must be eradicated before it causes further damage irreparable.

While Bárbara Rey continues to take care of the legal consequences and the emotions of this betrayal, the future of this story seems delicate. Ángel Cristo, with even more compromising material in his possession, has made it clear that he has no intention of stopping and many are wondering if new revelations will once again shake public opinion.

Meanwhile, figures like Carmen Lomana will continue to raise their voices against what they consider to be a worrying phenomenon. Best of all, he’s not the only known face to attack Ángel.. Journalist Gema López and presenter Patricia Pardo also did so.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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