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PSN and Bildu impose censorship in Navarra and prevent debate on Vox motion on illegal immigration

THE Table of the Parliament of Navarre This Monday, he refused to deal with a motion which Vox had registered against illegal immigration for its debate in the House.

PSN, EH Bildu and Geroa Bai voted against the treatment of this initiative, while the UPN voted for. The other groups are not represented on the Council, but Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin supported the decision not to admit the motion in media statements, while PPN and Vox criticized it.

Refusal to deal with the initiative sparked controversy among parliamentary groups. Thus, while the PSN, EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin considered that the motion was “xenophobic“, UPN, PPN and Vox considered that by refusing his admission to treatment, The freedom of groups to present initiatives was restricted.

THE Vox Movement underlines, in its explanatory memorandum, that “the irresponsibility By supporting and encouraging illegal immigration, it has direct consequences on the lives of ordinary Spaniards who are already suffering in their neighborhoods. “goodness” of multiculturalism: stabbings, machetesas well as a greater number of violent attacks and sexual assaults.

Therefore, the a motion calling to “reject the open door policy to illegal immigration”“demand from the Government of the Nation the immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants found in our region”, “reject the opening of any type of reception center for illegal immigrants in our region and proceed with the closure of the COA of Marcilla “, and “declare Navarre a region that does not support associations and NGOs that collaborate with the mafias of human trafficking and illegal immigration.”

At the end of the table and the Council of Spokespersons Parliament of Navarra, spokesperson for the UPN, Javier Esparzadeclared that the PSN and its government partners “do not want to talk about the main problems of Navarrese society” and criticized the fact that “the censorship came to this Parliament from the Socialist Party of Navarre“.

Javier Esparza stressed that, as Parliament’s lawyer indicated, “the the motion meets the requirements established by the regulations to be presented“. “The lawyer declared that there are judgments of the Constitutional Court which say that a Chamber cannot enter into the background of a motionbut it needs to be treated,” he explained.

After that, the spokesperson for The UPN estimated that “the political debate is shortened, The right of a political party to present initiatives is restricted.” “Today it is them, but tomorrow we could be others,” he declared.

On the other hand, the spokesperson for PSN, Ramón Alzórriz, He assured that Vox’s motion was “xenophobic, racist and could constitute a crime”. “We’re not talking about freedom of speech. This Parliament cannot be allowed to debate something which for us constitutes a crime. We must differentiate between freedom of expression and what, from our point of view, constitutes a crime”, he declared, emphasizing in this sense that “we are studying the possibility of bringing the request to the Prosecutor’s Office and to have it ruled on.” “It is time to put an end to xenophobia, racism and insidiousness that Vox exercises”, he added.

In the same spirit, the parliamentarian of EH Bildu Adolfo Araiz indicated that “recently For several months, we have been witnessing an international strategy of the entire law aimed at placing migration as the central axis of the political and cultural battle” and he considered that the Vox motion participates in “this racist and xenophobic strategy”. For this reason , he expressed his “rejection and rejection” of the motion from Vox, which considered “constitutes a true apology for hatred“.

Likewise, the spokesperson for Geroa Bai, Pablo Azconaindicated that the Vox initiative includes “expressions that very clearly try to get this Parliament to approve motions that violate the rights of migrants, in this case many of them minors.” “We are not going to tolerate this hate speech,” he said.

He The spokesperson for the PPN, Javier García, declared that “all groups have always been allowed to present the initiatives they consider appropriate” and considered that with the rejection of the Vox initiative “the “aims to limit the expression of groups in the House”. “It’s a very dangerous question,” he assured.

The parliamentarian of With you-Zurekin Daniel López said Vox’s motion “directly attacks human rights and people’s dignity, and is racist and xenophobic.” “The Table has some tools to order the debate that can take place in Parliament. We cannot allow Navarrese institutions to host these speeches,” he defended.

THE Vox spokesperson Maite Nosti said that “we will continue to present our motions, ask questions and challenge whatever, from our liberal perspective, we consider appropriate, and we are not going to be intimidated by the authoritarian tones of those whose opinion has no connection with legal knowledge”.

Nosti also criticized the fact that during the session of the Table and Council of Spokespersons Ramón Alzórriz He called her “xenophobic and racist” and she told him he was a “big mouth.” “He was very offended because a spokesperson cannot be called a spokesperson,” he said, defending however that “a spokesperson cannot be called a spokesperson “. xenophobic and racist“.

In this regard, Ramón Alzórriz indicated that the spokesperson for Vox “He called me creepy and the rest of the right laughed at him and thanked him. This is why we are in Parliament.” “Navarrase citizens expect their representatives to take sides in problems which violate human dignity,” he explained.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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