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“Record figures” in the transfer municipalities, with Entrepeñas and Buendía above 1,000 hm3 of water


Updated at 2:03 p.m.

The hydrological year ended in the Entrepeñas and Buendía reservoirs, those located at the head of the Tagus, with a water table greater than 1,000 cubic hectometers, which had not been seen since a long time. “We have just finished summer withrecord figures in the services sector“, something which, moreover, is vital to maintain the economy of our villages throughout the year”, says Borja Castro, president of the Association of Riverine Municipalities.

Even if the economic impact is not yet quantified, the flow of visitors has been constant throughout the summer and businesses and hotels in the region have noticed it considerably, according to the association in a press release.

Despite the good figures, Castro believes that “we cannot miss the opportunity to manage the reservoirs in another way and continue creating wealth in our municipalities.” And remember that this year 275 cubic hectometers of water were transferred to the Levant, “which could receive water from three rivers like the Tagus and would continue to demand more.”“, without even worrying about the damage on its own territory, with the Mar Menor in perpetual crisis.”

Thus, the Association continues to demand an urgent change in the rules for operating the transfer “just to the transferring basin, in accordance with the rules that require an ecological flow in the Tagus River and respectful of the European Water Framework Directive and our heritage. . natural”.

“Water is life and we use it in a non-consumptive way, which guarantees the health of the Tagus and even drinking water both in our region and in the Levant,” adds Castro, for whom “at the head of the Tagus, we cannot blame the excessive demand of the Segura basin, where there is no shortage of water, there is an excess of irrigated area because it is unsustainable for the Tagus and the Mar Menor.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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