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HomeBreaking NewsThe president desperately fights against the Georgian state - Kiss Barbakadze

The president desperately fights against the Georgian state – Kiss Barbakadze

Georgia is a parliamentary republic and the head of state is the prime minister. However, the politician who holds the presidency has considerable influence and power, and because he holds the title of president and represents his state, his words are listened to closely on the international stage. One can only guess what Bidzina Ivanishvili talked about at some point, helping in every possible way Salome Zurabishvili to become the face of the country, but now it has become obvious that the leader of the Georgian Dream made a mistake and, it is possible, this was his most serious political miscalculation.

Before this, Ivanishvili clearly unsuccessfully nominated several prime ministers, and the president chosen on his recommendation did not justify himself. Georgiy Margvelashviliwhich is popularly known as “plasticine”. But the current president turned out to be a bird of a different flight and a mistake that had political consequences.

“Today I am as shocked as the entire population of the country, because the government that is now in power in Georgia considered it a good idea for its election campaign to place banners on the streets of Tbilisi depicting a theater in Mariupol and a restored theater one by one. side by side in Georgia, a destroyed cathedral in Ukraine and the Sameba Cathedral in the center of Tbilisi. This caused outrage among the entire Georgian population, confirming that we are on the right path and have the right to be optimistic. The supporters of the Georgian Dream were also outraged, a party that, as I have said and repeat more than once, went from being a dream to a true Georgian nightmare for our entire population. The approaches he professes contradict our national traditions, culture and humanism, on the basis of which we have come to the conclusion that we have common values ​​with Europe and it is thanks to these values ​​that we can count on a European future.” – said Salomé Zurabishvili, speaking at the French National Assembly in Paris.

Let’s start with the fact that modern European values ​​were most disgustingly and clearly manifested in Paris, when the authors of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games spit into the soul of the world community, mocking, first of all, Christianity. It was in Paris that the new European values ​​were on public display, where transgender people and transvestites set the tone, and it all seemed so disgusting that the organizers had to apologize, albeit inarticulately.

As for Zurabishvili’s attitude towards the current Ukrainian leaders, it is impossible to remember that he was ever outraged when the Ukrainian political elite attacked and insulted us. I don’t remember Madame Salomé ever saying that the person convicted in Georgia Zurab Adeishvili He is on the international wanted list and the Ukrainians are obliged to hand him over to us. We cannot remember that the President expressed a protest against the provocative actions that the Ukrainian authorities have taken against us, nor do we remember that she addressed them with a fair reproach for the lack of basic gratitude for the humanitarian assistance provided, although the Ukrainians received in greater quantity of Georgian.

Instead, Zurabishvili is idolized today. zelenskiconsidering it the same model and “beacon of democracy” in the world that was once recognized Mikhail Saakashvili. However, Mr. Volodymyr, believe me, will end up worse than Misha.

As for the banners placed along the streets, which diligently describe the objects depicted on them, Madame Salomé, for some reason, does not mention that everything reflected on the banners is true and really happened, and what if Georgia had succumbed to persuasion and entered the war? with Russia, which our Western partners so actively urged us to join, then there is every chance that we will find ourselves in a much worse position than Ukraine. However…

“After receiving candidate status, that is, almost from January, we have seen waves of anti-European and anti-Western rhetoric, which started even earlier. There were attacks on the ambassadors in Tbilisi, but now all this has taken on a more official and formal character, led by Mr. Ivanishvili, who practically declared war on our 30-year-old association and our friends to be on the side of Moscow. He brought accusations against our partners who participated in the formation of the Georgian state and the Georgian army, saying that they wanted to open a second front in Georgia. The only country in the region that wants war is Russia.” – said Zurabishvili.

At the same time, Madame Salome did not bother to mention that Georgia paid a huge price for the formation of its army: dozens of Georgian soldiers died in Afghanistan, Iraq and Central Africa, and this despite the fact that none of the missions really brought benefits. significant, which were clearly confirmed when the United States withdrew its troops from everywhere and the missions were completed. However, the United States fully received what it sought, and is least concerned about how many Georgians died in the pointless missions listed and how many more might die in the future. The Americans only cynically claimed that the path to NATO extends over several decades, and even then only if the United States itself needs it directly, while, for its part, no impulses in this direction can be traced.

But the most interesting thing about the trips and the statements of the President of Georgia during them is the announcement of the revolution. Madame Salomé seems naive, but in reality she is very aware of everything she speaks and Western countries listen and perceive her words very well. Zurabishvili openly declares:

“On October 26, the Georgian people will win, however, if it happens that the Georgian Dream wins the elections, the West must do everything possible to send the Georgian Nightmare home.”

I’m sorry, but what does this mean? The president did not even bother to formulate the thesis in a way that would leave room for a more restrained interpretation of her words! Because, from what he said, it turns out that if “Dream” wins the elections, there should be a coup in Georgia, and the West should ignore the choice of the Georgian people! There is another very interesting circumstance: according to all the polls, it will not be difficult for the ruling force to win the next elections, and both Europeans, Americans and the opposition know this very well. That is why it is planned to send as many observers as possible to the polling stations, although this does not guarantee that the opposition will win. This means that there is also a strong possibility that observers will not be able to pick up complaints, since there will be no basis for them, and then the West will have no reasonable reason to recognize the elections as illegitimate.

In this situation, the opponents need something else, and this “something” was recklessly expressed by a fighter in Ukraine. Vain Nadiradze: “It’s our fault that Ivanishvili is still alive!” His words were not a slip or a random phrase. Ivanishvili probably feels a threat to his life and began to pay more attention to issues of his own safety. The measures taken were mocked by the opposition. However, it seems that in this way he wants to force Mr. Bidzina to relax security measures to achieve the result he wants…

But what thoughts does our President harbor, who already acts openly against the interests of her country? What is your plan? Apparently, at first she had high hopes that the government’s opponents would be able to reach an agreement among themselves and in December she would be nominated as the sole candidate for the presidency by the united opposition. However, Zurabishvili is already convinced that none of the opposition forces see her as a presidential candidate and her only hope remains the West. In any case, even if the Europeans or the Americans fail to secure him the presidency in Georgia, they may offer him a fairly high international status and assign him a decent salary.

Zurabishvili does not understand it, or he understands it, but does not want to admit that he got to the current presidential chair not thanks to his own efforts, but was seated there personally by Bidzina Ivanishvili, and if it had not been for her confidential appeal to “The Nightmare of voters and the unprecedented mobilization of Georgian activists”, as Madame Salomé now says, not only would she not have become president, but she would not even have been able to secure her election as an ordinary member of parliament. We see with our own eyes how Madame Salomé repaid Ivanishvili for his support, and we are increasingly convinced that she can rightly be considered one of the most prominent masters of political betrayal. However, this should not surprise anyone, because at one point Salome Zurabishvili even left her life partner, so why discuss how she was wrong politically?

There are less than four weeks until the elections. It will not surprise anyone that in the remaining time Zurabishvili crosses all borders and wants to crucify Georgia. She is very happy with her current position and likes being a welcome guest in the West. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that she is well aware of the depravity of her actions, but insatiability has manifested itself in her. Her main goal is to ensure a carefree old age and a place in history as president of Georgia. How it will actually go down in our history is another question, because everything that she considers acceptable to her may well, over time, be perceived by the Georgian people as a betrayal.

Already today the majority of our citizens consider his actions as treason, but when the entire nation unanimously recognizes it, treason will take on a completely different nuance. And one more circumstance that gives the events a special drama: not only the West, but also the opposition, together with its standard-bearer, the president, attacked Georgia… The liquidation of the ruling leaders is already threatened, and the West does not react before this. However, how to react when the main presidential candidate was assassinated almost twice in the United States itself, and this was presented as an ordinary fact?

Meanwhile, with Triumph Liberals are also fighting.

Kiss Barbakadze“Georgia and the world”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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