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ten years of police officers serving the prevention of harassment and network abuse

THE Unit of Guardian Agents of the Local Police of Cordoba encounter ten years dedicated to monitoring and training on issues of harassment, cyberharassment and use of social networks and the Internet, among other topics (also road safety education, for example, or gender violence and l ‘equality), for students of Córdoba schools. In the last course, more than 400 conferences in front of 13,000 schoolchildren between the fifth year of primary school and the fourth year of compulsory secondary education (ESO). Throughout this decade, more than a hundred thousand students.

The Deputy Mayor in charge of Security and Public Roads, Jesus Cocaaccompanied by the head of the local police of Córdoba, Antonio Carlos Serrano, the coordinator of the unit of guard agents, Juan Jesús Alcántara and his members (seven police officers) took stock this Tuesday on the program of the Jesús Nazaréen school of the capital.

Prevention task

Your director, Alicia Mascortcongratulated the members of the Unit and highlighted its work which began in 2014 and which had one of the first collaborating schools of this center of the Santos Mártires Foundation.

Mascort explained that “they are carrying out a campaign to monitor cases that are a little outside the educational framework, and although we enjoy excellent coexistence in the center, Prevention has always been and remains one of the most important challenges in this common task.

The “helping police”
The Córdoba Local Police Guardian Officer Unit was created in 2014 by Officer Juan Jesús Alcántara, who during this period received several distinctions (including one from the Ministry of the Interior) for this pioneering program already reproduced in some municipalities of Córdoba. the province of Cordoba. The basis is support and building trust with students to protect them and serve as an intermediary to detect problems of coexistence, harassment or more serious crimes. Security Zone officials (in the image) took stock this Tuesday of this decade of “helping police”.
Angel Rodriguez

The center manager explained that each course is established educational conferences from the 5th year of Primary to the 4th year of ESO with topics such as hate crimes, network issues, and cybersecurity, among others. “They bring their silhouette closer to schoolchildren, the police help. Even the older ones approach them to tell them things because they find confidence and they can help them,” adds the teacher.

For his part, the delegate of Security and Public Roads, Jesús Coca, declared that it was a “a pride for Cordoba “This Unit, with its daily work, detects and prevents crimes in the classrooms themselves or outside that are detected in the classes.”

One of the new features of the program is the collaboration also with sports clubs who join the talks. Coca clarified that the lower categories of Córdoba CF will also be integrated into the Guardian Agent program.

Networks and dangers evolve

“It is very important that children have a referral from the local police because people who are there to help and whose vocation to serve is seen here”, continued the mayor, who congratulated Juan Jesús Alcántara, the officer who launched the Unit and who started alone until today it has seven members – which were present in the balance.

Alcántara explained that “demand is increasing and this is the result of students and teachers demanding more from us. The theme started from driver education, but includes harassment and cyberbullying; hate crimes, gender violence, equality and “even a specific subject if the center asks us and it falls within our competence”, commented the agent responsible for the program.

“Networks evolve and dangers evolve. The way schoolchildren had fun in 2014 is not the same as today. The applications are different, the theme itself is the same”, commented Juan Jesús Alcántara, who also focused on the problems of road safety education that electric scooters pose, an aspect that they address in the discussions and which, as has been “We have to do a huge job of persuasion, because there are many road accidents in this matter”, he stressed.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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