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waterfalls, beech forests and impressive landscapes

With the arrival of autumn, thousands of nature-loving travelers begin to research which routes to take, taking advantage of the mild, cooler climates of the season. However, Spain’s orographic and environmental wealth makes the mission complicated, as there are a large number of destinations to choose from.

Hiking is a very useful activity, since it allows those who practice it to discover new destinations while enjoying nature and improving their physical health.

Knowing some of the best destination options is the first step to getting started and planning a hiking route. These are the six of the best hiking routes to do in autumn in Spainwhere you can enjoy waterfalls, beech forests and impressive landscapes:

Irati Forest, Navarre

THE Iraty Junglein Navarre, is an immense forest of beech and fir trees considered one of the largest and best preserved in all of Europe. The forest, exploited for forestry purposes since the 15th century, stands out for the great biodiversity that it preserves, such as beech, oak, fir, birch, willow, among others.

The route around the area varies depending on the route, although one of the most recognized, the circular route of the Irabia Reservoirat an approximate distance of 10 kilometers circular route, lasting between 3 and 4 hoursdepending on your hiking experience and the speed at which you visit.

The route passes through some of the most remarkable natural areas of the forest located in the region. Navarrese Pyrenees. In addition, it is perfect to make in autumn thanks to the ocher and golden tones that the leaves of its trees acquire during the season.

Muniellos forest, in Asturias

Among the mountains of Muniellos and La Viliella And Valdéboidin the deepest part of Asturias, the Muniellos Forest It stands out for being one of the best preserved oak forests in all of Europe. Belonging to Muniellos Strict Nature Reservethe forest has remained unchanged for decades, making it a great representative of the indigenous fauna and flora of the autonomous community.

The enclave has different points of interest among which you can enjoy everything that the reserve offers, although one of the most notable is the climb towards the lagoons of the Grief, Big, Hostel And The islandwhich constitute an ideal territory for hiking enthusiasts.

The main route around the place is a circular route that begins and ends at Tablets. This is a route with an approximate distance of 20 kilometers perform in 7 or 8 hours. The marked trail passes through a dense oak forest, as well as streams and small waterfalls and waterfalls to enjoy.

Cares Route, between Asturias and León

THE Care itinerary He is one of the best known hikers in all of Spain. It is a linear route that connects two villages located in the deepest part of the Summits of EuropeCaín -in the province of León- and Poncebos -in Asturias-.

In this way, the route can start at any end, although it is generally recognized as starting in the Asturian city and ending in León. Along it, it is possible to cross the gorges of the Cares River, go through tunnels carved into the rock and bridges that connect the rock formations.

It is therefore a linear route of 12 kilometers one way – or 24 if you wish to return to the starting point – and an estimated duration of between 4 or 5 hours -u 8 or 9 if you want to go back to where you started-. It’s not overly complicated, so it can be done by inexperienced hikers and it’s perfect to do in the fall, as during the summer months it can be complicated by hot climates and crowds.

Tejera Negra beech forest, in Guadalajara

Considered the southernmost beech forest in all of Europe, the Beech Tejera Negra It is one of the most impressive natural spaces on the peninsula. The grove, integrated into Sierra Norte Natural Park of Guadalajarais also considered a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since 2017.

There are two options to travel your route, a shorter route in which you can enjoy the beech forests with the autumn colors of the forest, and another longer one that crosses the highest areas of the enclave, being able to enjoy panoramic views of the entire enclave. Natural Park.

Both routes are circular; The first is a visit to 6 kilometersof Duration 2h30 estimated, while the second has a distance of 17 kilometers and an estimated duration 5 to 6 hours. This last route reaches the viewpoint of Valhondillo Ravinefrom where you can admire the mountains and valleys of the Sierra de Ayllón.

Route through the Moncayo Natural Park, in Zaragoza

He Moncayo Natural Parkin Zaragoza, is considered one of the most important natural enclaves in Aragon. Throughout his 11,000 hectares of extensionit is possible to enjoy varied vegetation, as well as a large network of trails designed for the more adventurous.

One of the best known routes is the climb to the summit of Moncayo, a route of 10 kilometers distance between round trip and with a estimated duration of 5 hours. The route begins at Sanctuary of Moncayo and crosses a dense beech forest to reach the summit – the highest in the Iberian system -, from where it is possible to enjoy impressive views of the Ebro valley and the rest of the mountains.

Source of the Urederra, in Navarre

He Source of the Urederra River It is a protected natural area located in Urbasa-Andía Natural Parkin Navarre. This is distinguished by its turquoise waters, since it is located at the outlet of a natural aquifer formed in the massif of said park.

The route follows a quiet route of 6 kilometers round trip and an estimated duration of 2 to 3 hours. Throughout this journey, it will be possible to follow the progress of the Urederra River until his birth in Urbasa Mountains. Thus, during the route, it is possible to enjoy a large number of unique waterfalls and pools of water, surrounded by forests with golden colors in autumn.

However, it is necessary to make a reservation to go to the area, which, in addition, is currently under constructionIt is therefore advisable to keep up to date with the latest news to ensure that no area of ​​interest is being examined at the time of your visit.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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