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HomeEntertainment NewsCazeneuve's hypothesis on Matignon divides the Socialist Party

Cazeneuve’s hypothesis on Matignon divides the Socialist Party

Will Bernard Cazeneuve succeed Gabriel Attal in Matignon? In Blois, the hypothesis of the appointment of former Prime Minister François Hollande, fuelled by the Elysée in recent days, has plagued the Socialist Party (PS) universities, which took place from 29 to 31 August, and has confused the message surrounding Lucie Castets, the candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) in Matignon.

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However, the PS’s first secretary, Olivier Faure, had prepared a programme to suit her. Invited to their big meeting on Friday, at the end of the day, alongside other NFP figures, the former “rebel” Clémentine Autain, the ecologist Marine Tondelier, the communist Léon Deffontaines and the “rebels” Eric Coquerel, Lucie Castets received a standing ovation from the activists. “Lucie Castets in Matignon, Lucie Castets in Matignon”chanted the young socialists upon their arrival.

But on stage, Olivier Faure decided to respond to the rumours and, for the first time, revealed to Matignon his opinion on the appointment of a socialist. In addition to Bernard Cazeneuve, the name of the mayor of Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), Karim Bouamrane, who sits in the front row, also circulated. On TF1, the latter admitted having had contacts with the Elysée, but warned that he would call on his political family if necessary.

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Avoid personal attacks, Olivier Faure opted for mockery and acted as if he were the one Emmanuel Macron was calling. “Imagine going to Matignon without you, my friends. Will I have a flashing light, because every betrayal has a price?”he joked. The Seine-et-Marne member set out to dissuade anyone from believing that with [sa] strength of conviction, [son] talent, [il] could convince [ses] friends of yesterday, today, tomorrow, and impose a balance of power on the Head of State”he said, calculating that with only 66 deputies, the socialists, who would not have the support of the other three left-wing forces, would remain “minority compared to the Macronists”.

“If you want to govern without the PFN with the right, you will be the right”he warned, acting as if there were no alternatives to the NFP and Lucie Castets. A new turn after a more moderate expression on Tuesday, when he explained, during a stormy national dispatch, that a left-wing Prime Minister would not be censured a priori, unless he followed the same path. “The politics of Emmanuel Macron”At that point, the door was opened to other suitors.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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