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know the process and steps to register

THE Spanish Association Against Cancer in Navarra presented this morning at Town Hall of Tudela VII March against cancer in the Riberawhich will take place in October departing from Plaza Nueva.

Participating in the presentation of the March: first deputy mayor of Tudela, Zeus Pérez; the president of the Spanish Cancer Association of Navarra, Juan Franco Pueyo; the delegate of the Association of La Ribera, Mamen Motilva and a volunteer of the Association, Ana Martínez.

Zeus Pérez encouraged the citizens of Tudela to participate in this initiative “with family, friends or individually”. He wanted to emphasize that the March on the Ribera is a success, year after year, thanks to the solidarity of the Tudela company. “I am sure that in an additional edition, the people participating from Tudela They will know how to unite for a cause as important as this and will thus be able to give visibility to cancer and cancer patients,” underlined Pérez. In addition, the deputy mayor wanted to make a special mention to the delegate of the Association in La Ribera, Mamen Motilva, and to Ana Martínez, volunteer of the Association, “for the work they do daily and because that they are witnesses to the effort and work carried out by the volunteers of the La Ribera association.

For his part, the president of the Association, Juan Franco, stressed that “it is a solidarity, recreational-sportive walkand non-competitive, intended for the entire population: children, adults and seniors who can run or walk. It is designed to enjoy with family or friends. And the most important thing is that all the efforts add up in the same direction: research against cancer.”

THE Spanish Cancer Association leads the “All Against Cancer” initiative with the aim of exceeding 70% survival by 2030. Currently, thanks to research, the survival rate among men is 55.3% and among women 55.3%. 61.7%.

For his part, Mamen Motilva, delegate of the Spanish Cancer Association of Riberaexplained the different activities that will be carried out during the day of October 6, such as “Science for Children”, mini golf, among others. And he wanted to emphasize all this These activities will be energized by volunteers from the La Ribera Association.. He therefore also takes this opportunity to thank them for their work and their dedication to the Association throughout the year.

He would also like to thank all sponsoring and collaborating companies. On the other hand, Ana Martínez, volunteer of the Association of La Ribera, announced that this year’s solidarity raffle has more than 250 gifts and that it will be on display until October 6 in the old Monguilot hardware store, in front of the Caixa.

THE tickets They can be purchased at the Tudela headquarters and will cost €1. The raffle gifts will be delivered the same day of the walk to the establishment where they are on display. Winners who cannot collect their gift on October 6 will be able to do so throughout the month of October at the Tudela headquarters.

Companies that support cancer research

Many companies that supported this initiative were present at the press conference. THE sponsors and the collaborators of this VII Walk against cancer in the Ribera are: Caja Rural de Navarra, Enhol, Construcciones Garbayo Chivite, Uvesa, Reysan Atlantic, Sofidel, Urzante, Hoteles Zenit, Congelados de Navarra, Roth, Sinase, Forjados Orgues, Rockwool , Jata. , Marmoles Echeverría, Sonoco, Madorran, Hormavasa, Agenor and Suberviola. With the special collaboration of the Brotherhood Murchante Garlic Toast, Solán de Cabras, Castel Ruiz Fruits and Vegetables, Apex Group, Kaiku, Tudela Civil Protection and the Tudela City Hall.

To them all Spanish Cancer Association of Navarra appreciated their commitment to raising awareness and raising awareness among the population about the importance of following healthy lifestyle habits, which are so important in preventing disease. Furthermore, he also wanted to thank these companies for their solidarity with all patients and their families through financial support for oncological research.

March itinerary

THE March It will start this Sunday, October 6 at 11 a.m. and will cover 5 kilometers, starting from Plaza Nueva de Tudela and with the following route: Gaztambide, Avenida Zaragoza, Carretera Estación, Aranaz y Vides, Paseo de Invierno, San Marcial, Paseo. de los Tilos, Boulevard de la Peñica, Paseo del Prado, Paseo Pamplona, ​​​​Muro, Concarera, Plaza de San Jaime, Rúa, San Nicolás, Plaza San Salvador, Granados, Herrerías, Yanguas and Miranda and ends at Plaza Nueva.

THE the start and finish will be located in Plaza Nueva. The 5 km course can be done by running or walking. Participants who will complete the running test will be placed at the front of the line. In the second line, people who walk on foot.

This test is recreational-sporting nature and non-competitive and is open to all people who want to collaborate with the Spanish Cancer Association of Navarra.

He registration price It costs €8 (includes t-shirt and backpack). The funds raised will be entirely intended for research projects financed by the Spanish Cancer Association of Navarra.

It will be possible to achieve the registration in one of the following ways:

  • Online:
  • In person: September 9 to October 3.
    • At the headquarters of the Cancer Association in Tudela, Plaza Constitución, nº 13, ground floor. From Monday September 9 at 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. And from Monday September 16 to Thursday October 3 in the morning and afternoon: 9:00 a.m. at 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    • Tutoque, Avda del Barrio 47.
    • Nail factory, Plaza Sancho VII el Fuerte, 11.
    • Atmoss Fitness Gym, Carretera Estación, 10 – Passage Commercial.
    • Hairdresser Ella y Él, Avenue Argentina s/n.
    • V&M Hairdresser, Calle Juan Antonio Fernández, 25.

Bibs collection

The bibs will be delivered within the registration time. For online registrations, they can be collected at the headquarters of the Tudela Association (Pza Constitución 13 Bajo), by presenting the registration receipt from Monday September 9 to Thursday October 3.

Those who wish to collaborate and cannot attend can contribute to the following Caja Rural account number: ES92 3008 0256 8746 9062 3626. Or via the website: More information at: de-la – ribera-for-the-search

Objective: achieve 70% cancer survival

THE Spanish Cancer Association leads the “All Against Cancer” Initiative with the aim of exceeding 70% survival in 2030. Currently, thanks to research, the survival rate for men is 55.3% and for women 61.7%.

In 2030, the Association launched the largest appeal for aid in its history: “AECC 70% Survival Challenge”, for 10 million euros, to contribute to research into cancers which have a low or stagnant survival rate, it is i.e. less than 30%.

At present, The Association is the social entity and a private sector that allocates more funds to cancer research and supports more researchers. In total, it has an investment of 114 million euros allocated to 603 research grants in development to increase survival in different types of cancer. In 2023, 29.4 million was awarded to 233 new grants.

Thanks to the support of the Spanish company, the Spanish Association Against Cancer It has promoted cancer research for more than 50 years, trying to address our country’s great cancer challenges and promoting the talent of researchers who today lead cancer research within and across the world. outside our borders.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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