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The Generalitat already issues automatic certificates for having passed the subject since 2009

The Generalitat Valenciana will automatically certifySince Tuesday, October 1, the Valencian level has been extended to more than 337,000 students who have passed this subject during their education at school and institute. Students who do so from this 2024-2025 academic year will not have to carry out any administrative procedures, since the title will be issued automatically by the educational center.

The resolution of the Department of Education published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat concerns, with retroactive naturewho were trained during the implementation of the Organic Education Law (LOE). That is to say, those who completed primary school, the baccalaureate or passed the university entrance test from the 2009-2010 academic year and those who followed the ESO and the basic training for adults from the 2008-2009 academic year to today will benefit from it.

In this case, it will be the interested parties – or their legal representatives if they are minors – who will have to request the title from the electronic headquarters of the Generalitat, without paying any fees. The certificates will be sent to the email address indicated in the application and will be included in the archives of the Valencian Knowledge Qualification Council, the entity responsible for accrediting the different levels.

According to the aforementioned resolution, “if the qualifications of the Valencian field or subject do not appear totally or partially in the ITACA or in the application of the university entrance tests, the interested party must provide supporting documents (academic certificate, academic history, etc.) to master the field or subject of Valencian in the corresponding courses. If this documentation does not include a digital signature, it must be provided in person.

Approved levels: from A1 to C1

As stipulated in the new law on educational freedom of the government of Carlos Mazón, students who have passed the Valencian subject during the six primary years will obtain the level A2.

Likewise, it is recognized B1 if he completes ESO and B2 if you pass the subject in both Baccalaureate courses. In addition, people who have passed the subject in the first year of the Baccalaureate and at least three years of ESO are entitled to the B1 in Valencian.

Baccalaureate students who have a grade equal to or higher than 7 in Valencian on the average of the two courses will be recognized with a level C1. The same thing will happen with those who got this score on the college entrance test.

Finally, students who have passed the Valencian modules of basic training for adults since 2009 will obtain certification of the level A1.

“It’s not a price”

“We do it for several reasons: because it is fair, because it is accredited and as a major line of support, incentive and promotion in Valencian. Because it is recognition of training and valid for CVs, private and public jobs”, underlined this Monday the President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón.

Mazón launched “an appeal on behalf of the entire Consell to all those who are in the Spanish-speaking regions”, encouraging them to “choose Valencian, to take the exam in Valencian” and encouraging them to “have this recognition, to make this effort.

The head of the Regional Executive insisted that the approval “is not a reward”, but rather “a fair recognition to promote the use of Valencian with love and respect”.

According to data provided by Education, between 70 and 80% of students in Spanish-speaking municipalities request the Valencian exemption to the Baccalaureate. A percentage which drops to 20% in ESO. The difference is explained, according to the Generalitat, by the importance given to the average mark for access to university.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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