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HomeLatest Newsnormality at the health center after strengthening the staff

normality at the health center after strengthening the staff

After the continuous complaints and demands for the improvement of public health and the gradual reduction of medical personnel in the fundamental area of Priego (Almedinilla, Carcabuey, Fuente Tojar and Priego), whether through statements, Marea Blanca rallies or other private media, the mayor of Priego de Córdoba, Juan Ramón Valdivia, announced yesterday that “the lack of doctors today is almost covered” . It was in June that we learned that almost half of the staff at the Priego health center had requested a transfer – which concerned nine professionals.

With the holidays in sight and these nine transfers, the alarm went off among citizens and Junta of Andalusia paralyzed the said personnel movement, postponing it until September. Since the same day, October 1, the transfers have been made and little by little the places have filled until there are currently 15 covers, out of the 19 that are at the health center. Of the four who remain to be taken care of – according to the mayor’s words – two are sick leave and the other two are to be taken care of.

“It should be noted that today, among the three pediatric positions allocated to the health center of Priego“All three are covered after several decades without being completed,” said the councilor.

As for the Emergency service, Valdivia He emphasized that “of the two teams that the Priego emergency services have, both are covered by their five professionals.”

And regarding the request to provide the EMERGENCIES with an additional team, which the Priego town hall has set up to Ministry of Health of the Government of AndalusiaValdivia emphasized that “we are waiting for it to be granted to us, since, from the Consistory, we have already transmitted to the Ministry the transfer of the space available for the expansion of the area intended for Emergency service“. Finally, Valdivia added that “since October 1, medical appointments can now be made in Priego and its region without much delay.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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