Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 6:57 pm
HomeTop StoriesBildu announces agreement with government to reform Rajoy’s “gag law”

Bildu announces agreement with government to reform Rajoy’s “gag law”

The parliamentary group of EH Bildu in Congress announced this Thursday that it had reached a agreement with the government toreform the citizen security lawbetter known as ‘gag law” by detractors of the modification made by the PP when it had an absolute majority in 2015.

The government included a reform of this standard in the Democracy Action Plan which was approved two weeks ago by the Council of Ministers, but Bildu asked to go further of what was set out by the Executive in this document.

During the previous legislature, there already existed a attempt to reverse the most harmful aspects of the “gag law” in Congress. In fact, the committee responsible for this review even approved a report, but ended up failing before the Interior Commission due to the refusal of Bildu and ERC to support it, deeming it insufficient.

These two allies of the Government then they reverted the changeson which the PSOE, Unidas Podemos and the PNV had agreed because they did not include the ban on “hot returns” of migrants at the border, the use of rubber bullets by the police, nor did not limit the imposition of administrative sanctions.




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