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“Pull down your pants and see if you are a man or a woman”

Painful municipal plenary what happened last friday in Russian City Council (Jaen). He PSOE Councilor, Lázaro Morenoargued with the first deputy mayor, Juan Ignacio López (MiRus), and after accusing him of being homophobic, the socialist told him: “If you have a sexual problem, you pull down your pants and look at yourself Let’s see what you have. If you are a man, you are a man, and if you are a woman, you are a woman. López, indignant, stood up and left the plenary session: “He disrespects me and makes fun of my homosexuality. I’m gay and I don’t care. Other members of his party are in hiding.

The fight between councilors started when López, councilor for urban planning, youth and equality and diversityaddressed the spokesperson of the socialist group, Manuel Hueso: “Enough of crazy insults and saying that I am lying in corners. “Tell me the lies I’ve told.”

To his left, elbow to elbow, Moreno mumbles something several times. López has had enough and addresses the mayor, Juan Antonio Palomares (Cs): “Listen, Mr. Mayor, the councilor next to me keeps making allusions to me in every plenary session, every time I speak . I speak with the spokesperson for the PSOE. It doesn’t have to come in, but it keeps going, full after full. Even he bothers me in a homophobic way. “Everything is fine now.”

The response of the socialist Moreno is not in vain: “I gave him Me as to Falete. And I haven’t looked at his fly to see what he’s wearing, to see if he’s a man or a woman. homophobic. That it is you who has a homophobia problem; I don’t know”.

“Don’t yell at me,” replies López, while the mayor tries to restore order: “Come on, let’s continue.” Moreno insists: “If you have a problem, drop your pants and look what you have in your crotch. “You’re going to call me homophobic because of what?” he says, looking at the mayor who asks him to calm down.

“When you call me Penelope…” López begins, without finishing the sentence. “Penelope? And I don’t know if they call you Penelope or if they call you Juan Andrés. “What are you telling me?”, replies Moreno.

– Don’t shout, don’t be nervous.

– If you have a sexual problem, you look at it.

– I don’t have any.

– You pull down your pants and look at what you have. If you are a man, you are a man, and if you are a woman, you are a woman.

At this point in the discussion, other advisors intervene. The mayor tries to calm down again, but it is too late: “I will leave the plenary session because they already disrespect me,” López said, getting up. The mayor doesn’t give up: “Come on, let’s continue. Come on, let’s continue. »

“I am leaving the plenary session because the attitude of this councilor, making fun of my homosexuality, is not normal. That I’m gay and I don’t care. Other members of his party are in hiding. Everything is fine now. Don’t hurt me. “I know a lot,” López says.

“What problem do you have?” Yes, I attended five same-sex weddings,” replies the PSOE advisor.

“I’m going to leave the plenary session and let the Russians judge the behavior he has shown on several occasions against my homosexuality, that’s enough. Di-mi-ta! Resign!», López gives up, before leaving to the applause of the municipal corporation.

Homophobic for me? About what?», asks Moreno, surprised, once again. He doesn’t seem to understand anything.

López takes his documents and leaves the plenary room for good, but not before addressing the camera recording the session: “No one calls me gay or queer anymore. in a plenary room. Enough, Russians! You are the judge.”

Russia’s PSOE tries to justify it

After what happened, the PSOE of Russia He described his advisor’s comments as “absolutely unfortunate”, while the PP regretted the “homophobic attack”.

“The statements made by our councilor Lázaro Moreno during the aforementioned plenary session were absolutely a shame and they do not correspond to the feelings of the PSOE or the councilor himself, therefore we apologize“, underlined the socialists in a press release, even if the party then tries to justify what happened: “It was in a context of tension, usually promoted by the mayor of Mi Rus, who is dedicated to lying and to insult” in plenary. sessions.

Finally, after having underlined “the firmness of its convictions in the defense of the LGTBI collective”, the PSOE of Russia its commitment to “do not fall prey to provocations from other groups and maintain the respect that others do not maintain.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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