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HomeLatest NewsBasque public university fires professor denounced for sexist and xenophobic messages

Basque public university fires professor denounced for sexist and xenophobic messages

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) announced on Thursday that after a legal analysis, it had begun to remove from the substitute position it occupied the law professor accused of spreading sexist, racist and xenophobic messages on social networks. “Recently, the University of the Basque Country reported the opening of a procedure provided for in the Protocol against gender violence, as well as the precautionary measure adopted aimed at removing from teaching a professor of the Faculty of Law until until the procedure is completed. After a legal analysis, and after the adoption of the precautionary measure already described, the University has decided to initiate the procedure aimed at removing this person from the position of substitute professor that she currently occupies, a procedure provided for in the internal regulations. , he said.

The UPV/EHU made this decision after reporting to the Prosecutor’s Office the messages on social networks of the substitute law professor, for which students and teachers called for protests due to his “homophobic, sexist and far-right” opinions. , in order to determine whether they constitute an offense and that, in the opinion of the university, they are “clearly incompatible with the principles and values ​​of the Basque public university”.

The same professor, upon hearing the news of his dismissal and the procedure opened against him, assured on his social networks that he felt “calm and safe”. “The UPV Equality team just told me that it’s my fault and not the victim… Well, let them eat that with their bread! I have nothing to do but read a protocol now. “Well, it’s great that the UPV sent my tweets to the prosecutor’s office so they can investigate if it is a crime. Let me breathe easy, if the prosecution does not see any sin or crime in the crime of abortion, which amounts to shooting a person already born, I am very sure that they will not declare that I am criminally responsible for a few messages It was nothing. denouncing this carnage of abortion which is the greatest contempt for human life in all known history. This crime of abortion is the most serious thing that has happened with drug trafficking and terrorism. Now I not only feel Spanish, I also feel safe. “Legal is not synonymous with morality,” he wrote on his Instagram account this Wednesday after his meeting with the University. This Thursday, he made no message through his networks regarding the withdrawal of his post.

From the Equality Commission of the Faculty of Law, they argue that “public comments that are sexist, homophobic and misogynistic, in addition to others that are xenophobic, racist and promote the culture of violence and hatred, are contrary, among others, to the values ​​of non-discrimination, equality of men and women and respect for human rights which are the basis of international law (for example, Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union European Union and Articles 8 and 10 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) as well as the social and democratic rule of law recognized in the Spanish Constitution and in the legislation that develops it (for example, Organic Law 3/2007 , of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men, and Legislative Decree 1/2023, of March 16, which approves the consolidated text of the law for the equality of women and men and a life without violence sexist towards women, in the Basque Autonomous Community). “To the extent that this legislation is incorporated into the regulations of the UPV/EHU, such comments and statements are also contrary to the regulations of our university, among others, its statutes (article 4.3) and the IV Equality Plan of women recently approved. and men (2024/2028)”, they report from the Commission.

The events occurred last Friday, when students, after alerting the university that a substitute professor was sending sexist, racist and xenophobic messages on their social networks and had received no response, decided to demonstrate during class of this professor, who had to leave escorted. by security personnel. “Women who support abortion, who exclude the father and despise life, daughters of whores. Have you already scrubbed like I ordered you to the other day? If you see a stain on a plate or a glass, you will see what is good. Convict the crime and give birth, bitches. Long live Spain, pigs” are some of the comments that the substitute professor from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) had launched on his social networks and which sparked criticism from students.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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