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HomeLatest Newsfrom "Captain America" ​​​​to Bellido's re-election for 2027

from “Captain America” ​​​​to Bellido’s re-election for 2027

The debate on the state of the city which took place this Thursday at Cordoba Town Hall also had its nice touches and a few episodes of political tension.

PSOE spokesperson Antonio Hurtado started strong: he demanded the resignation of the mayor, the popular José María Bellido. He responded that not only would he not abandon his post, but then he confirmed that this was an open secret. The advisor He assured that he would run in the 2027 municipal elections -These will be his third elections: in the previous two he won and in the last he obtained an absolute majority. In other words, at a time when the elections in the United States are beginning to take over everything, the PP can now openly shout: “Four more years”.

Hurtadothe opposition MP with the most military service in the plenary room, had a moment where He tried to find the mayor’s liverwho had been very solid in the balance of his management – he underlined this by comparing it with what he found in 2019 (when he took over), making it almost impossible that there was not of improvement after the bad work of the PSOE co-government – IU-.

He socialist municipal spokesperson I remembered the 2019 municipal campaignwhen Bellido went to certain places in the city to denounce the blocked projects of the bipedal friend on the left with a gigantic sign – like a location icon [ver foto que acompaña la información].

José María Bellido, in 2019 with the sign he carried to denounce the non-compliance of the PSOE and the IU


This reminded Hurtado on the shield of “Captain America” and that’s what he called the advisor, reminding him of some places he visited five years ago that stuck in his mind: the future sports complex who will replace the Youth Pavilion demolished and the Arena parking. It was a good moment from the Leader of the Opposition. However, he threw a hook in the air by accusing, considerably raising the tone which set the debate on the state of the city, the mayor of being a “predatory” politician, ensuring that he benefited from government initiatives. central.

It was hard to find Bellido in an exchange of disqualifications and that was that. The mayor ignored him, although he did not hide that he did not like to be described as such and on one of the occasions when Hurtado spoke while he was speaking, there was a response from the councilor: “He is lazy and also interrupts“, he said addressing Hurtado.

Hilarious moment with Torrico

Bellido also withdrew irony in his third round of speech and seeing himself criticized on the left and right of the political arc of the Plenary, he assured that “we repeat once again that for Vox I am a fags who make left-wing policies and for the PSOE And we do I am a dangerous liberal“. “Clearly the two statements are incompatible,” he said sarcastically.

Of course, one of some hilarious moments was experienced when Advisor to the Presidency, Miguel Ángel Torrico (hardened in a thousand plenary battles), addressed Hurtado and indicated that he was not as fit as the socialist spokesperson. But immediately, with quick reflexes, added: “I I have my audience, don’t worry [dirigiénose a Hurtado]“. Laughter among the advisors.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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