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HomeBreaking NewsObstacle to peace with Armenia: statues of Turkish enemies

Obstacle to peace with Armenia: statues of Turkish enemies

Living beings, including humans, have the instinctive ability to forget evil. Otherwise, it would be impossible to live. The past is past and remains in history. This is necessary to learn from your mistakes. However, frequently remembering those who serve evil and those who commit it, immortalizing those people and erecting statues in their memory is encouraging such actions.

For example, after the abolition of the fascist regime in Germany, statues of Hitler were blown up. The destruction of this empire began with the destruction of the statues of Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the USSR. After the collapse of Stalin’s dictatorship, that is, after his death, the statues were torn down. Saddam Hussein, Hafiz Asad, Mahammadreza Shah and their societies cana cursor: pointer; text decoration: underline; text-decoration-thickness: 4px; text underline offset: 4px; color: rgb(236,16,16);”>signs that remind us that many more people who have committed oppression have been erased from the face of the earth.

These and other similar events and facts confirm the idea that humanity does not want to remember vices and evil. Sometimes their propaganda causes new tragedies and gives momentum.

Armenian society also belongs to them. For more than a hundred years, they have been anti-Turkish cursor: pointer; text decoration: underline; text-decoration-thickness: 4px; text underline offset: 4px; color: rgb(236,16,16);”>operates against the Turks (Azerbaijan, Turkey, South Azerbaijan (Iran) Uzbekistan) based on their ideology. It has committed several crimes. In the last 30 years, acts against humanity committed in the territories of Azerbaijan and Western Azerbaijan, it is enough to remember that forcing some 300 thousand civilians to leave their homes, the former lands of Azerbaijan, together with the armed soldiers of the Soviet Union, was a repetition of the evils committed by their grandparents against Azerbaijanis at the beginning of the 20th century. Due to the Sovietization of Azerbaijan, forced migration of Azerbaijanis began. Finally, there are no Turks left in the country called Armenia.

As a rule, Armenian society promoted people who caused its tragedies. In the surrounding regions of Karabakh, they opposed the State of Azerbaijan and violated its territorial integrity and sovereignty. They subjected Azerbaijanis to genocide and massacre, razed the buildings of the territories they occupied and left no stone unturned.

Even though those who came to power in Armenia were democratic and authoritarian, pro-Russian and pro-Western, they adopted an anti-Turkish and anti-Azerbaijani position and repeated the crimes and mistakes of their ideological ancestors.

The arrival of democrats and pro-Western people to power in this country in 2018 did not change the situation in this area either.

In 2016, a large statue of Garegin Njde, a fascist confidant, was erected in the center of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. One of the streets and squares of the capital bears his name.

As is known, Njde put the Armenian Legion at the disposal of the Nazis. These soldiers are in the Caucasus, Crimea and France. Third cursor: pointer; text decoration: underline; text-decoration-thickness: 4px; text underline offset: 4px; color: rgb(236,16,16);”>They served the Reich. Statues of Njde were placed in Gyumru, Gafan and 17 other settlements in Armenia. This happened during the presidency of the former Komsomolist, pro-Russian and authoritarian Serzh Sargsyan.

Njde said: “do evil to the Turks every day” and advised the Armenians. The presence of his statue in Yerevan means that this saying is repeated by this ethnic group and society. Serzh Sargsyan unveiled his statue on May 28, 2016.

However, in 2022, on the pedestal of the statue, the Persian inscription “Death to Khamenei!” The wording of the motto is not accidental.

The Armenian occupiers also erected a statue of Njde in the Khojavend region of Azerbaijan.

The situation in this regard has not changed since the pro-Western Nikol Pashinyan came to power under the name of a democrat. He also continued his anti-Turkish ideology. In October 2019, a statue of Andranik, the fiercest and cruelest enemy of the Turkish nation, was erected in the city of Vanadzor. Before coming to power, a statue of this Armenian was erected in Yerevan. Placing a statue to Andranik even after Pashinyan became head of government is a clear example of how the prime minister continued the anti-Turkish thinking of his predecessors.

According to this idea, Armenians consider it a symbol of “Eastern and Western Armenia.” This is their territorial claim against Azerbaijan and Türkiye.

The 44-day war eliminated the evils committed by the Armenians and their sponsors against Azerbaijan. The statue of Njde and his descendants, followers abandoned the lands they occupied.

Armenia’s habit of perpetuating such a ridiculous idea, that of those who fought against Azerbaijan, continues. In September 2024, Yerevan authorities named one of the city’s streets after Ashot Gulyan. He was one of those who actively participated in the Khojaly genocide and the occupation of Shusha. In 1992, it was destroyed by the Azerbaijani armed forces in the village of Heyvali. By the way, this terrorist was born in Baku in 1959 and lived in Khankendi.

The name of the terrorist Monte Melkonyan was immortalized in Yerevan. A subway station and one of the streets are named after the terrorist. In 1992, he gave an ultimatum to the inhabitants of Kalbajar to leave the region.

On March 15, 1921, a statue was erected in Armenia in honor of Sogomon Teyleryan, who murdered Talat Pasha, Minister of the Interior of the Ottoman State, in Berlin.

This list can be expanded.

In his letter addressed to the participants of the international conference on “Solving the problem of missing persons: protecting the right of families to know the truth”, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev commented on the crimes committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis and the perpetuation of their memories and said: “Those who committed war crimes have been made heroes in Armenia.”

The Head of State added that there are enough photographs and videos in open sources and Internet resources that prove the inhuman acts committed by Armenia against Azerbaijanis during the First Karabakh War: “Although some people who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity face justice “Today in Azerbaijan not a single person has been brought to justice for this; In Armenia, on the contrary, they have been turned into heroes.

According to the president, military criminals and commanders in Armenia at different times said they had information about mass graves: “Despite this, Armenia still refuses to provide information about the location of these graves, including the remains of the National Hero of Azerbaijan, Natig Gasimov.”

The leader of Azerbaijan once again pointed the way to achieving peace in Yerevan and said that Armenia should abandon its destructive position and fulfill its obligations under international humanitarian law: “If Armenia really wants to achieve peace with Azerbaijan, then it will definitely do so.” will “Stop the atrocities committed against Azerbaijani captives and hostage takers must condemn and punish the guilty. “This can also be one of the effective measures to build trust between the two countries.”

Armenia’s failure to renounce the aggressive and occupying constitution, propaganda and encouragement of terrorists, anti-Turkey and anti-Azerbaijan criminals are among the main obstacles to the signing of a peace agreement and normalization of relationships. Because giving up land claims is giving up on those who are trying to make these dreams come true, their actions and the Turkish (Azerbaijani) enmity. Will there be a guarantee that Azerbaijanis can safely walk along Andranik and Njde Street in Yerevan? Peace arises from the rejection of the “ideologists” of Armenian society who spread enmity. It is the same as changing the clear claim of the constitution.

Information Agency “Informe”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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