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“Let it thunder, it’s good for the campaign”

Jorge Rey anticipates the arrival of winterthe fact that it is rumbling is good for the campaign and it seems that these days we are going to have important news. All of Spain is watching a sky that brings us important news and that could end up being those that mark a before and after. It is time to start preparing to live a series of changes that will end up being those that mark a before and after. We are facing an end of August with important surprises.

The Cabañuelas method has given very good results, especially if we focus on forecasts that have been perfectly fulfilled in every way. Thus, at the end of this process, what awaits us is an important change that will end up being a kind of new reality that will affect us fully. Autumn, as this expert said, will arrive a little earlier and in these days we will be able to see important news that we have before us and that could end up happening as expected. What Jorge Rey says leaves no one indifferent.

The arrival of winter can be brought forward

A meteorologist like Jorge Rey does not hesitate to prepare for a winter that promises to be harsh. The shadow of the arrival of a new Filomena will be very present and could end up being what ends up marking this change that we must face.

If there is a big winner this summer, it is undoubtedly a Jorge Rey who knows very well how to put the method of the cabañuelas into practice. The time will come to start thinking about everything that awaits us and the consequences of a series of changes that could make a significant difference.

Jorge Rey’s weather forecast leaves no doubt, it is based on the weather that could end up being the one that accompanies us in these days of change. This young man relies on traditional methods and on those sayings that begin to give us important data.

It is good for the field that these changes that we must see arrive, in a few days when the rains must settle. Being an essential element to achieve what we want and more. The importance of this new situation that awaits us is total.

It is ahead of AEMET forecasts

Jorge Rey has been ahead for weeks to a forecast from AEMET that predicted a less rainy August than it was. The rains have become a reality in recent days where we have continued to see significant changes in direction.

The AEMET weather maps leave no doubt: “A situation of instability is expected to continue in a good part of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands due to the action of a DANA that will leave a predominance of cloudy skies in the northern half of the peninsula with showers and thunderstorms affecting the regions of the northeastern and Cantabrian quadrants from early in the morning. In the afternoon, they are expected to intensify and become more widespread, extending to other areas of the northern half and, although with a high degree of uncertainty, they are likely to become increasingly frequent. locally strong or very strong and with hail in the Cantabrian communities, Navarra, La Rioja, the regions of Castile and León, Aragon and Madrid, as well as in the northeast of Castile-La Mancha. Likewise, in the afternoon, medium and high cloud cover is expected to increase in the southern half of the peninsula, with possible showers or storms in the mountains of the southeast and around the Gulf of Cádiz. Similarly, there will be cloudy periods with the possibility of occasional showers and thunderstorms in the Balearic Islands, and drizzle is also possible in the Strait and in Melilla, with a slightly cloudy tendency. In the Canary Islands, low cloudiness in the north of the archipelago, without excluding some light precipitation on the mountainous islands, and slightly cloudy skies in the rest. “In the eastern half of the peninsula and in the Balearic Islands, the presence of suspended dust is likely.”

Much of the country will experience a significant drop in temperatures for which we must prepare: “Maximum temperatures will increase in the east, centre and east of the Cantabrian Peninsula, decrease in the far west and with little change in the rest, as will minimum temperatures. Temperatures are only expected to exceed 35 degrees in the valleys of the southern half of the peninsula.

The winds will blow from the east and northeast in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea and the Mediterranean areas, with possible strong intervals on the coasts of the southeast of the peninsula. In the southwest quadrant they will be variable, with the western component tending to establish itself, while in the rest of the peninsula the winds of the eastern component will predominate, rolling towards the south. In the Canary Islands, moderate trade winds will blow.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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