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HomeBoris Johnson discovered wiretapping after meeting Netanyahu: media

Boris Johnson discovered wiretapping after meeting Netanyahu: media

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recounted in his memoirs an unusual incident that occurred during a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2017. In his book Unchained, Johnson claims that after Netanyahu used a private bathroom in the Ministry building Foreign Affairs, security discovered a listening device.

The Telegraph writes about this.

Johnson recalls that Netanyahu excused himself and went to the bathroom, which was located in a “secret annex” with an atmosphere reminiscent of “the men’s bathrooms in a posh London club.” Later, after a routine check for the presence of listening devices, one of them was discovered on the lightning rod.

When asked to reveal more details in an interview with The Telegraph, Johnson said all the information there was to know was in his book. There has been no official comment from Israel on the incident and it is unclear if any diplomatic action has been taken in relation to the discovery of the device.

It is noteworthy that at that time Israel was already involved in another scandal related to the installation of tracking devices near the White House in the United States, although Israel always denied these accusations.

In addition to this story, Johnson also shared a funny episode with Netanyahu in his memoirs when he showed him the historical tablet supposedly used by Arthur James Balfour to write the Balfour Declaration. However, when Johnson tried to show the historic pen, he only found a regular Bic pen.

Previously, Cursor wrote that Johnson revealed new details about the death of Queen Elizabeth II.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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