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HomeBreaking Newsinsulting and insulting a police officer will not be punished if you...

insulting and insulting a police officer will not be punished if you apologize

Bildu announced this Thursday that it had reached the agreement with the PSOE to reform some of the most controversial aspects of the Organic Law for the Protection of Citizen Security, known as Gag law and promoted in 2015 by the Rajoy government.

Both sides agreed to “phase out” the use of rubber bullets by riot police and end hot returns of irregular immigrants at the border, when the person concerned requests asylum status.

In addition, disobeying the police, refusing to identify yourself or providing false information will become a minor offense, which will be punishable by a fine of 100 to 500 euros.

rubber balls

They will be eliminated “gradually”. The agreement includes a commitment to “gradually” replace rubber bullets, which riot police fire as a deterrent during violent protests, with “other less harmful means” that are not specified.

An additional provision will be included in the standard, according to which “competent authorities must develop specific protocols, in accordance with international standards, on the police management of demonstrations and assemblies, including the use of force and anti-riot equipment, in order to always use the least harmful means for people and to avoid those that cause irreparable injury.

Podemos has already expressed its disagreement, believing that the complete elimination of the use of rubber bullets is not guaranteed.

Disobedience to authority

This will result in a fine of 100 euros. Article 36.6 of the current law on citizen security makes it a serious offense (punishable by a fine of 601 to 30,000 euros)

According to the agreement concluded between the PSOE and Bildu, these behaviors (disobeying authorities agents, refusing to identify oneself or providing false information) will become a minor offense, punishable by a fine of 100 to 500 euros.

“Resistance to authority or its agents by physical opposition when it involves the refusal to comply with a legal order or to comply with the law or judicial order, when it does not constitute a criminal offense ” will also be punished as a minor offense.

Bildu clarified that disobedience to agents of authority will only be punished when it is “manifest, clear and objective”.

Lack of respect towards officers

No fine if you ask for forgiveness. The current law already qualifies as a minor offense (in its article 37.4) the “lack of respect and consideration of which the recipient is a member of the security forces and bodies in the exercise of their security protection functions, when these behaviors do not constitute a crime. offense”.

This article will now be amended so that only “insults and insults” towards agents of authority receive such treatment, when they are “relevant expressions, without the sole disagreement with a legitimate mandate or the exercise fundamental to freedom of expression.

Furthermore, the sanction (from 100 to 600 euros) will be zero when the author retracts or apologizes for his inappropriate “expressions”.

Hot returns

Asylum applications will be given priority. The current Citizen Security Law includes an additional provision, according to which “foreigners who are detected at the border of the territorial demarcation of Ceuta or Melilla while trying to overcome the border containment elements to cross the border irregularly may be returned in order to prevent their illegal entry into Spain.

It’s about the calls hot returnswhich, according to the standard, must be carried out “complying with international regulations on human rights and international protection to which Spain is a party”.

The PSOE and Bildu have now committed to reforming the immigration law (Organic Law 4/2000) within six months to avoid hot returnsin the event that the person concerned requests asylum status.

To this end, indicates the agreement made public by Bildu, “the certification and identification of people potentially seeking asylum and the assessment of their access to requests for international protection must be carried out in the places provided for this purpose in the border crossings before the entry into force of the law. possible expulsion process.”


They will depend on the offender’s income. Depending on the current sanction regime, minor infractions result in a fine of 100 to 600 euros. The agreement with Bildu will lower this limit to 500 euros.

Serious offenses are punishable by a fine of 601 to 30,000 euros. From now on, it will be lowered to a range of 500 to 25,000 euros. Under the current regime, very serious offenses result in a fine of 30,000 to 600,000 euros.

But the PSOE and Bildu also intend to modulate these sanctions, depending on the income level of the offender. If you earn less than 1.5 times the Interprofessional Minimum Salary (SMI), a reduction of 50% of the fine will be applied to you, according to what the newspaper reveals. The country. If you charge 2.5 times the SMI, the reduction will be 25%.




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