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HomeLatest Newsthe most beautiful hidden corner of Granada that few people know about

the most beautiful hidden corner of Granada that few people know about

Pomegranate automatically evokes the grandiose Alhambra and the charming Albaicín district, with its cobbled streets and white houses. But the city offers much more. Hidden in the shadow of the Alhambra, there is a place that many consider to be the most beautiful corner of Granada: the Carmen of the Martyrs. This historic garden is located in the hills surrounding the Alhambra and has its origins in the time of the Catholic Monarchs, when a convent was erected in memory of the Christian martyrs who, according to legend, suffered there during the Muslim occupation. After years of abandonment, in the 19th century, it was transformed into private residence with splendid gardenswhich are open to the public today.

El Carmen de los Mártires features a variety of gardening styles, from geometric flower beds and European fountains to ponds and orange trees typical of Arab heritage. Unlike the crowded courtyards of the Alhambra, this place offers a haven of tranquilitywith the relaxing sound of water and birdsong. One of its biggest attractions is the viewpoint, which offers spectacular views of Granada, the Albaicín and the Alhambra, with the impressive peaks of the Sierra Nevada in the background. Additionally, the Carmen de lo Mártires has hosted cultural events, such as concerts and art exhibitions, making it a fabulous option for enjoying an evening in the Andalusian city.

Carmen de los Mártires, the most beautiful garden in Granada

This impressive space is made up of a manor surrounded by large gardens which have various characteristics. There is a French baroque garden, highlighted by a large central pool with a statue of Neptune and statues representing the four seasons.

There is also an English garden, known as the Palm Garden, which features a three-tiered fountain and irregularly arranged hedges. Although the Spanish garden was removed in 1960, you can still enjoy the landscaped garden, consisting of a lake-like pond, surrounded by islands for ducks and swansas well as a stone pier with a faux medieval ruin.

  • The orchard has been restored while respecting the vegetation that could have existed at the time of the convent. You can find medicinal and aromatic plants there such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, lavender and strawberries.
  • The lake island, inhabited by black swans, is surrounded by trees and shrubs, such as palm trees, myrtle hedges and bamboo poles. In the center of the island is a wig tree, known for its feathery fruits, as well as hornbeams, strawberry trees and Bussaco cedars, approximately 150 years old.
  • The formal garden has changed from the original, featuring a more woodsy aesthetic with magnolias, palms and orange trees.
  • The English garden, located behind the palace, is a forest of palm trees with a fountain dedicated to Philip II in the center.
  • The Nasrid patio, designed by the Duke of Infantado, pays homage to Nasrid gardening. It features paving stones from Granada and a pond inspired by the Alhambra’s Acequia patio, decorated with pots and jasmines. In the center is a small cave carved into the wall.


Formerly known as Captive corralthis place housed Christian prisoners in Arab dungeons. When Granada was taken in 1492, it is said that Boabdil left here to hand over the city to Isabella the Catholic, who ordered the construction of the first church in Granada in honor of the Christian martyrs. In 1494, Jerome Münzer described the area as a zone of medieval military maneuvers and jousts, full of silos and dungeons. In 1573, the church was transformed into a Discalced Carmelite convent, where Saint John of the Cross was prior and contributed to its development.

Destroyed in 1842 during the confiscation of Mendizábalthe place was acquired by the father of General Carlos Calderón, who built the current mansion and gardens. In 1891, Belgian engineer Humbert Meersmans de Smet beautified the property, transforming the pond into a romantic lake and decorating the gardens with sculptures. Listed as an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1943, the Carmen de los Mártires was donated to the Granada City Hall in 1958 by the last private owner, Cristina de Arteaga. After a period of neglect, it was restored in 1986 and reopened by the vice-president of the government at the time, Alfonso Guerra.


He visiting hours It varies according to the season: from April 1 to October 14, it is open Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., and on weekends from 10:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. from morning to 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

During the winter season, from October 15 to March 31, hours are adjusted from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekends. Entrance is free.

He Carmen of the Martyrswith its rich history and varied gardens, offers a haven of peace and beauty in Granada.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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