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HomeEntertainment NewsThe government requests a new opinion from the energy regulatory commission

The government requests a new opinion from the energy regulatory commission

The Minister Delegate of Energy requested the Energy Regulatory Commission to hold a new deliberation on the evolution of electricity prices, according to a decision published on Saturday, August 31 in Official Journal.

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) recommended increasing the Turpe (fee for use of the public electricity grid) by 4.8%, one of the three components of the electricity bill along with taxes and the price of electricity itself.

This “network fee” It is reviewed each year in August to take into account the increase in transmission costs for the distribution manager Enedis, which are paid by suppliers and passed on to consumers, individuals and professionals.

The Government decided in mid-July not to apply a 1% increase in the electricity bill, a way to avoid a “yo-yo” Prices were incomprehensible to consumers, Bercy justified, thereby avoiding a new controversy over energy bills, in the midst of a political crisis.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Electricity price increase: the government invites the Energy Regulatory Commission to review its draft

Significant increases in 2022

If this review had been applied, the regulated electricity bills of 22 million households and businesses would have increased by around 1%. “The increase in Turpe proposed by the CRE on 1Ahem August 2024 would automatically mean an increase in the price paid by many consumers (…) » which have already faced significant increases in 2022 “despite the protective measures implemented by the government”explains Roland Lescure in his opinion.

“Its deliberation of 26 June 2024 does not sufficiently take into account this energy policy orientation concerning control, stability and good understanding of the price of electricity for the consumer”the resigned minister remains in office, in his opinion.

For this reason, it requests the CRE to establish “a new draft decision on the evolution of prices in public electricity distribution networks, which takes this orientation more into account”.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Rising electricity prices: “We were already paying attention all the time, but how can we do even more now?”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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