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HomeTerrorist attack in Crocus: Russian FSB reported new details

Terrorist attack in Crocus: Russian FSB reported new details

The organizers of the recent terrorist attack on the Crocus Town Hall near Moscow were members of the Vilayat Khorasan terrorist group, banned in Russia.

The Telegram channel “Atheist Breaking” writes about this.

The head of the SFS, Alexander Bortnikov, stated that the perpetrators of the attack were recruited among representatives of the Tajik diaspora living in Russia. According to him, the Ukrainian special services, which acted under the influence of Western countries, also participated in the organization of the terrorist attack.

Previously, the investigation established that three suspects in this case were involved in the preparation of another terrorist attack. They illegally manufactured an explosive device, indicating the presence of additional plans to commit crimes.

Recall that Türkiye claimed that he saved the Russian Federation from another “Crocus” by linking terrorists to Israel.

Turkish intelligence services helped Russia prevent a major terrorist attack similar to the one that occurred at the Crocus City Hall concert hall, reports the Turkish publication Hürriyet.

According to them, the attack was planned by terrorists from the Vilayat Khorasan group, which allegedly receives funding from Israel and Western countries.

As the article notes, Turkish intelligence had been monitoring the cell’s activities for a long time, especially after its involvement in the attack on St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Istanbul earlier this year. As a result of the interrogations and investigative measures, the Turkish authorities contacted their Russian colleagues and provided them with information about the planned attack. This allowed us to avoid tragedies and save many lives.

The attack on Crocus Town Hall on March 22 left more than 140 people dead when armed criminals stormed the building. The concert hall was destroyed by fire. Although the ISIS group claimed responsibility for the attack, Russian authorities drew attention to a possible “Ukrainian trail,” despite a lack of evidence. Officially, Moscow blamed this incident on the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

Previously, Kursor reported that the terrorist attack in Crocus was a consequence of the Russian Federation’s “marriage games” with terrorist groups.

Russian authorities have developed close ties with terrorist groups and have faced serious consequences as a result.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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